
  • Introducing a new book from Professor Mitsuyo Sakamoto: From Applied Linguistics to Language Teaching

    Department of English Studies faculty member, Professor Mitsuyo Sakamoto, has recently published her new co-edited book detailing the history of the TESOL programme at Sophia University.  Last year marked the tenth anniversary of the programme and the book looks at the challenges involved in creating the individual courses and the success the program has had training teachers “devoted to Foreign Language Education.”   In publishing the book, Professor Sakamoto and the other professors involved, aim to share the core ideas of the TESOL programme at Sophia University with a larger community of educators. For those interested in learning more about this important subject, please read Professor Sakamoto’s new book, available now <続きを読む>
  • 『一目でわかる!「研究力が高い大学」』に飯島准教授の研究が紹介されました。

    科学研究費助成事業の採択件数上位の大学を取り上げた雑誌『一目でわかる!「研究力が高い大学」』(アネスタ:2017年6月)に、本学科飯島准教授による研究*が紹介されました。本学の「史学一般」の採択数は、全国1800研究機関中7位、私立大学では2位となっています。詳しくはこちらから→2017研究力が高い大学 *研究会題名:若手研究(B)「日本人とコーヒー生産をめぐる国際移動とネットワークに関する歴史学的考察」科学研究費補助金若手研究(B)2012-2014(研究課題番号:24720284)<続きを読む>
  • 英語学科主催講演会: “Private Letter or Public Poem? The Case of Coleridge’s Dejection: An Ode” June 28th, 2017

    Eigogakka Speaker Series: On June 28th, The Department of English Studies and the Institute of European Studies will be co-sponsoring a talk with Dr. Heidi Thomson, Associate Professor of English Literature at Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand).  Title:  Private Letter or Public Poem? The Case of Coleridge’s Dejection: An OdeDate: Wednesday, June 28th, 2017Time: 13:15-16:45 (Period 4)Location: 2-508Language: EnglishFree of charge/No prior reservation necessary/Open to all  Please join us for what is sure to be a fascinating lecture.<続きを読む>
  • 和泉学科長インタビュー YOMIURI ONLINEに掲載

    YOMIURI ONLINEの「ニュースを紐解く」コーナーに英語学科長 和泉伸一教授のインタビュー記事が掲載されました。記事へのリンクはこちらです。<続きを読む>
  • 英語学科主催講演会: “LGBT Psychology: Supporting Others through Coming Out and Beyond” July 5th, 2017

    Eigogakka Speaker Series The Department of English Studies, Angles Journal, and the Office for the Promotion of Diversity at Sophia University are pleased to host this event featuring psychology professor Eric Julian Manalastas from the University of the Philippines to discuss LGBT psychology and the process of coming out, and how to be allies to sexual minorities. Title:  LGBT Psychology: Supporting Others through Coming Out and BeyondDate: Wednesday, July 5th, 2017 Time: 17:00-18:30 (Period 5) Location: 2-508 Language: EnglishFree of charge/No prior reservation necessary/Open to all <続きを読む>
  • Faculty Spotlight Part II: Professor Yuko Otsuka, specialist in linguistics, Tongan and Polynesian Languages

    In the second part of our conversation with Professor Otsuka, she offers her advice to those studying English and speaks about issues of interest in her field. Angles Editors: We’ve both gone through the teacher training course. As a senpai of language teaching and learning, do you have any advice for students studying English? Professor Otsuka: I think you need to have some purpose of why you want to be fluent in English.  When I was in high school I admired people who could speak like a native speaker in terms of how they sound. And I think some Japanese students are mesmerized by the pronunciation but not paying attention to what they are <続きを読む>
  • Faculty Spotlight Part I: Professor Yuko Otsuka, specialist in linguistics, Tongan and Polynesian Languages

    Professor Yuko Otsuka is an associate professor in the Department of English Studies at Sophia University, specializing in linguistics, Tongan, and Polynesian Languages. She was born and raised in Japan and graduated from International Christian University where she studied teaching Japanese as a foreign language.  In her third year of university she joined the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers and spent two years in Tonga teaching Japanese. It was that experience that inspired her future career in academics. After returning from Tonga, she taught Japanese at a language school in Japan and then decided to go to graduate school.  She attended Oxford University where she earned her M.Phil. and D.Phil. in General <続きを読む>
  • 高校生による英語弁論大会「ジョン・ニッセル杯」2017年度開催のお知らせ

    上智大学では、2011年度から高校生による英語弁論大会「ジョン・ニッセル杯」を開催しています。この度、第7回となる2017年度大会の開催が決定しまし、テーマは、“Thinking Globally, Acting Locally”です。高校生の皆さん、是非ご参加ください。 詳しくはこちらから。<続きを読む>
  • Faculty Spotlight Part II: Professor Izumi’s New Book “第2言語習得と母語習得から「言葉の学び」を考える”

    (In Part II of our interview with Professor Izumi we discuss how he began his academic career and his vision for the future of English Education in Japan.)  (For Part I of the interview, please click here.) Professor Izumi started to get interested in studying linguistics after his experience teaching at ECC when he was a university student. His experience at ECC was very exciting, but at the same time, it led him to question his teaching methods: “Is this really the right way? Am I giving good advice to my students? Am I using the time wisely for my students?” Because he could only rely on the rather rigid <続きを読む>
  • Faculty Spotlight Part I: Professor Izumi’s New Book “第2言語習得と母語習得から「言葉の学び」を考える”

    Recently our own Department of English Studies Chair, Professor Shinichi Izumi sat down with the student editors of Angles to discuss his new book, Thinking about Language Learning from the Perspectives of First and Second Language Acquisition Research (Second Language Acquisition, for short) (『第2言語習得と母語習得から「言葉の学び」を考える』 アルク選書、2016). Second Language Acquisition is the third in a series of books Professor Izumi has published. After publishing his first and second books, which were mainly for teachers, Professor Izumi was ambitious to write a book that was not only for teachers but for students as well.  Angles Editors: What inspired you to write this book? Professor Izumi: This is actually my third book.  I published my first book <続きを読む>