Writing Exercise: Starting Words

During this time while we’re at home, here is a short language exercise to try that comes from our department’s Creative Writing class.

Starting Words: A 15-minute writing exercise

For this exercise, take a look at this list of random words. Which words are you most drawn to? Choose any of the words you see and use them to create a short piece of writing in English. You can write about a single word, or you can write about several words. Maybe one word connects to a memory you want to write about, or perhaps several words inspire you to write a short story or a poem. You can write about anything you want, go in any direction your mind takes you. The one challenge here is that once you start writing, try not to stop. Try to write for as long as you can, for fifteen minutes, generating as much language as you’re able to.

Watch this video for an explanation of the exercise:

Here is a PDF of the exercise with the list of words:

Starting Words I

Enjoy the exercise…we hope you’ll surprise yourself and make something new.