

SIAS Occasional Paper Series(formerly SIAS Working Paper Series)


  1. Pierre Arminjon, L’enseignement, la doctrine et la vie dans les universités musulmanes d’Égypte (Islamic Learning of al-Azhar from the End of 19th Century to the Beginning of 20th Century), translation and bibliographical introduction by UCHIYAMA Chie, supervision of translation by AKAHORI Masayuki, 2023 (in Japanese) Table of Contents
  2. Center for Islamic Studies, Sophia University (ed.), Sixteen Year History of the Center for Islamic Studies at Sophia University: From 2006 to 2021 Academic Year, 2022 (in Japanese) Table of Contents
  3. KAWASHIMA Midori (ed.), Comparative Study of Southeast Asian Kitabs (7): Islamic Books and Learning in Thailand, 2022 Table of Contents
  4. UCHIYAMA Chie and KUSHIMOTO Hiroko, Islamic Learning of al-Azhar from the End of 19th Century to the Beginning of 20th Century: Annotated Translation of ‘L’enseignement, la doctrine et la vie dans les universités musulmanes d’Égypte’ by Pierre Arminjon, enlarged and revised edition, 2022 (in Japanese) Table of Contents
  5. Talal ASAD, The Idea of an Anthropology of Islam, translation and bibliographical introduction by KONDO Fumiya, supervision of translation by AKAHORI Masayuki, 2021 (in Japanese) Table of Contents
  6. KONDO Fumiya (ed.), Historical Developments and Contemporary Situations of Travel and Tourism in the Middle East, 2022 (in Japanese) Table of Contents
  7. SAWAE Fumiko (ed.), Muslims in the Globalizing World: Some Reflections on Japan Table of Contents, 2022
  8. SAWAE Fumiko (ed.), Thinking Through Asymmetries of Power in Global Knowledge Regimes: Examples From Japan and the Muslim World, 2022 (in Japanese) Table of Contents
  9. NARA Masashi (ed.), Diversifitacion of Muslim Communities in Taiwan, 2021 (in Japanese) Table of Contents
  10. UCHIYAMA Chie and KUSHIMOTO Hiroko, Islamic Learning of al-Azhar from the End of 19th Century to the Beginning of 20th Century: Annotated Translation of ‘L’enseignement, la doctrine et la vie dans les universités musulmanes d’Égypte’ by Pierre Arminjon, 2021 (in Japanese) Table of Contents
  11. SUGAHARA Yumi (ed.), Comparative Study of Southeast Asian Kitabs (6): Paradise and Hell, 2021 Table of Contents
  12. ONO Hitomi, HOSOYA Sachiko, HORII Satoe, and MORITA Toyoko, The Rights of the Socially Vulnerable: Perspective from the Muslim Middle East, 2021 (in Japanese) Table of Contents
  13. Agnès DEBOULET and IWASAKI Erina (eds.), Public Space, Public Sphere, and Publicness in the Middle East: Proceedings of the International Seminar held at Cairo, Egypt on March 8 & 9, 2020, 2021 Table of Contents
  14. KAWASHIMA Midori (ed.), Comparative Study of Southeast Asian Kitabs (5): Beyond Insular Southeast Asia, 2020 Table of Contents
  15. SHIOZAKI Yuki, Humanosphere for the Rohingya Refugees: Situations in Burma/Myanmar, and Settlement in Malaysia, Indonesia and Pakistan, 2019 (in Japanese) Table of Contents
  16. HOSOYA, Sachiko, Thalassemia and Three Iranian Patient Activists: Their pursuit of Advocacy, 2019 Repository
  17. KATO Hiroshi, IWASAKI Erina, KITAZAWA Yoshiyuki, USUKI Haruka, and YOSHITOSHI Makoto, Study of Kafr Ma village: Social Structure and Its Transformation of a Mountain Village in North-Western Jordan, 2017 (in Japanese) Table of Contents
  18. SUGAHARA Yumi (ed.), Comparative Study of Southeast Asian Kitabs (4): Local and Global Dynamism in Transformation of Islamic Tales. 2016 Table of Contents
  19. KOBAYASHI Yasuko (ed.), The Situation of Thought as Revealed in Publications of the Late Colonial Period, 2016 (in Japanese) Table of Contents
  20. YOKOTA Takayuki (ed.), Revisiting Islamism in the Middle East after the Arab Spring, 2015
  21. KAWASHIMA Midori (ed.), Islam in Cultural Interactions: Manuscript Art, Stories, and Dress in Southeast Asia: Proceedings of the Symposium Organized by the NIHU Program for Islamic Area Studies on October 19, 2013, 2015 (in Japanese) Table of Contents
  22. SUGAHARA Yumi (ed.), Comparative Study of Southeast Asian Kitabs (3): Papers on the Story of Isra Mi`raj Presented at the Sophia University Workshop on May 18, 2013, 2015 Table of Contents
  23. HATORI Mina (ed.), The international Situation and Malay World in the 1920s and 30s, 2014 (in Japanese) Table of Contents
  24. KAWASHIMA Midori (ed.), Comparative Study of Southeast Asian Kitabs (2): Paper on Tasawwuf and Fatwa Texts Presented at the Sophia University Workshop on May 20, 2012, 2014 Table of Contents
  25. WAKAKUWA Ryo, Source Material Concerning Islam and Women’s Liberation in the Period of the Tunisia Protectorate: ‘Sharia and our Women in Society’ by al-Tahir al-Haddad, with a Focus on the First Chapter Concerning Legistration, 2014 (in Japanese) Repository
  26. KOBAYASHI Yasuko (ed.), Asian Muslims and modernity: From the Viewpoint of Publications by Muslims in the 1930s, 2013 (in Japanese) Table of Contents
  27. FUKUNAGA Koichi, Relevant Texts on the Early Days of the Muslim Brotherhood, Centered on ‘Memoirs of the Preaching and the Preacher’ by Hasan al-Banna, 2013 (in Japanese) Repository
  28. SHIRATANI Nozomi, The Moroccan Islamist Movement and Its Charter: A Movement of Unity and Reform, 2013 (in Japanese) Repository
  29. TAKAO Kenichiro, Basic Bibliography on Modern Sufism, 2012 (in Japanese) Repository
  30. YASUDA Shin, A Bibliography of Studies on Islam and Tourism, 2012 (in Japanese) Repository
  31. SUGAHARA Yumi (ed.), Comparative Study of Southeast Asian Kitabs: Papers of the Workshop Held at Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan on October 23, 2011, 2012 Table of Contents
  32. TORIYA Masato, Primary Historical Sources of the Pashtuns in Afghanistan and British India: My Life and Struggle: The Memoirs of ‘Abd al-Ghaffār Khān, 2012 (in Japanese) Repository
  33. ARAI Kazuhiro (ed.), Islamic Southeast Asia Connected by Jawi Script: Prefaces of the First Issues of Jawi Periodicals with Transliterations, Translations and Commentaries, 2012 (in Japanese) Table of Contents
  34. AKAHORI Masayuki, Basic Bibliography on the American Muslim Studies, 2011 (in Japanese)
  35. SEKI Kanako, Letters of Abd al-Karim al-Khattabi and Historical Documents Based on Interviews: In Relation to the Rif War in Spanish Morocco, 2011 (in Japanese) Cover/Table of Contents(PDF)
  36. KAWASHIMA Midori (ed.), Development of Islam in Southeast Asia: Innovation and Transmission of Knowledge, 2011 (in Japanese) Table of Contents
  37. KAWASHIMA Midori, ARAI Kazuhiro, Oman FATHURAHMAN, Ervan NURTAWAB, SUGAHARA Yumi, and YANAGIYA Ayumi (eds.), A Provisional Catalogue of Southeast Asian Kitabs of Sophia University, 2010 (in Japanese) Cover/Table of Contents(PDF)
  38. WAKAMATSU Hiroki, Basic Bibliography on the Alevi Studies, 2010 (in Japanese) Cover/Table of Contents(PDF)
  39. TAKAOKA Yutaka and MIZOBUCHI Masaki, Lebanon Hizbullah's Political Strategy and the "Resistance Society": The Narratives about the Resistance and the Spirit of Martyrdom, 2010 (in Japanese)
  40. WAKAKUWA Ryo, Selected Texts of the Tunisian Ulama concerning Secularism During the Independence Period, 2010 (in Japanese) Cover/Table of Contents(PDF)
  41. WATANABE Shoko, Selected Texts of the Association of Algerian Muslim Ulama, 2009 (in Japanese)
  42. TAKAOKA Yutaka, Hizbullah's Open Letter and the Will of Shaikh Shams al-Din: Hizbullah, Its Outlook on the World and Future, 2008 (in Japanese)
  43. MIZOBUCHI Masaki, Bibliography of Studies on Islamic Movements and Organizations, 2007 (in Japanese)
  44. KAWASHIMA Midori, ARAI Kazuhiro, and YAMAMOTO Hiroyuki (eds.), Proceedings of the Symposium on Bangsa and Umma: A Comparative Study of People-Grouping Concepts in the Islamic Areas of Southeast Asia, 2007 Cover/Table of Contents(PDF)

SIAS Lectures

  1. AKAHORI Masayuki (ed.), Sounds and Bodily Expressions in Sufism, 2024 (in Japanese) Table of Contents
  2. Myriam ABABSA, Land Inheritance, Notability and City Governance in the Middle East: Cases from Raqqa and Amman, 2024 Table of Contents
  3. AKAHORI Masayuki (ed.), Sufism Today: Understanding Different Aspects of Mysticism, 2023 (in Japanese) Table of Contents
  4. IDO Yuko, GODO Natsuko, KONDO Norio, and NAGASAWA Eiji, Stragegies of Feeding States: Rethinking of Experiences in Post-war Japan, India, and Egypt, 2022 (in Japanese) Table of Contents
  5. AKAHORI Masayuki (ed.), Anthropology of Saint Veneration in Islam and Christianity, 2022 (in Japanese) Table of Contents
  6. AKAHORI Masayuki (ed.), Muslims in Diaspora: Living and Interacting as a Minority, 2021 (in Japanese) Table of Contents
  7. AKAHORI Masayuki (ed.), Religious Minorities Living in the Middle East: Their Lives and Fistivities, 2021 (in Japanese) Table of Contents
  8. Fauzia AHMAD, How Can We Decolonise Research on Muslims and Islam? Some Epistemological Issues, Tensions and Reflections from a Gendered Perspective, 2021 Repository
  9. Sean Foley,“People Need to Listen to the Artist”: How Saudi Arabia’s Creative Class Is Transforming the Kingdom in the Twenty-first Century. 2020. Repository
  10. Stéphane LACROIX, SHIOZAKI Yuki, and YOKOTA Takayuki, The Muslim Brotherhood within Islamic geopolitical dynamics: Developments in Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Egypt. 2019. Repository
  11. Adam SABRA, Between the Private and Public Spheres: Charity and State Intervention in Mamluk Egypt, 2018. Repository

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Contact Information

Institute of Islamic Area Studies at Sophia University
7-1 Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8554 Japan
TEL & FAX: +81-3-3238-4073

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