サラエボ大学の紹介About the University of Sarajevo







(原文:Nihongo no kai is a Japanese language gathering that has helped me a lot in learning Japanese. Through conversation with native speakers, it was very helpful to listen to how certain words are pronounced correctly, to follow and understand the speech between other students and native speakers, and to try to answer and form the best possible sentences while trying to maintain the flow and dynamics of the conversation. After almost every nihongo no kai, my colleagues and I notice and discuss how we managed to use the recent grammar and words we learned and be happy about how much progress we have made since the last nihongo no kai. Also, this gathering helps us to talk about various topics in Japanese, to notice the mistakes we most often make while speaking and what we need to focus more on in order to talk better at the next nihongo no kai. The progress and usefulness of what we have learned in the classroom always motivates us to devote ourselves even more to learning Japanese.
Also, Nihongo no kai is special because through it we create memories and connect more deeply with the culture of Japan. Meeting Japanese people, sharing stories and experiences, conversations and questions about cultural differences always motivate us to learn more about Japanese culture, history and language roots.
Learning any language is a long journey and therefore we should make sure that the journey is as interesting and enjoyable as possible. Because of Nihongo no kai, I made many new friends and acquaintances, learned a lot about the Japanese culture and made many beautiful memories.
Therefore, I would recommend anyone who is learning a foreign language to try to participate or organize a meeting with native speakers of that language, or to meet friends from whom they will surely learn a lot and create many beautiful memories.)