Rules for Submission * Monograph Series changed its title to Occasional Papers as of the academic year 2015.
- General Details:
- Occasional Papers are published periodically.
- In general we publish brief theses, articles, research notes, fieldwork reports and other material related to Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.
- Articles submitted will be refereed, after which their acceptance or rejection will be decided upon by the editorial committee.
- Items for publication will be accepted from the following categories of individuals.
- (1) All who own membership to the Institute of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Studies.
- (2) All who have acquired membership in the Institute either as Visiting Fellows, Collaborative Fellows, or in some other capacity.
- (3) All who are registered as students of the Graduate Program in Area Studies, and whose field of research is Asia, Africa, or the Middle East.
- (4) Any others considered suitable by the Institute.
- The deadline for submissions is June 30.
- All copyrights will belong to the Institute of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Studies.
- The views expressed in the articles need not reflect those of the Institute.
- Details Concerning Submissions:
- Type of Submissions and Length of Articles
- (1) The length of articles should in principle exceed 25,000 words.
- (2) Articles should be prepared using Microsoft Word, formatted to fit A4-sized papers. For articles written in Japanese, sentences should be arranged horizontally. All articles should be submitted electronically (both in Word and PDF format).
- (3) Articles written in Japanese should be accompanied by a synopsis (around 500 words) written in English, along with an English title.
- (4) Diagrams have to be submitted electronically. In case of Photographs, charts, tables, and so on, the size and place where they are to be inserted should be clearly indicated.
- Usage of Languages and Notations
- (1) For usage of languages other than Japanese or English please consult the editor.
- (2) In the case of articles written in Japanese, proper nouns in western languages should be presented in katakana after their first appearance in the text.
- Footnotes
- (1) Only footnotes are permitted, and they are to be inserted using Arabic numerals.
- (2) Note numbers appearing in the text are to be placed on the top right-hand side of the word using Arabic numerals, as for example: IAAMES4.
- (3) Numbers indicating diagrams, illustrations, maps, and so on should be inserted in brackets using Arabic numerals, as for example: (Map 1).
- Bibliography and References
Depending on the material the Bibliography and References should be presented as follows:
- (1) In the case of Books:
Ileto, Reynaldo C., Filipinos and Their Revolution: Event, Discourse, and Historiography, Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press, 1998, pp.62-71.
- (2) In the case of Articles:
Syed Hussein Alatas, gIntellectual Imperialism: Definition, Traits and Problems,h Southeast Asian Journal of Social Science 28 (1), 2000, pp. 23-46.
- Alternately a list of the books used may also be added at the end of the article as follows:
Ileto, Reynaldo C. 1998 Filipinos and Their Revolution: Event, Discourse, and Historiography, Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press.
*When referring electronic media, add the URL and date of browsing.
Heer, Nicholas 2012 gA Concise Handlist of Jawi Authors and Their Works, Version 2.3,h http://faculty.washington.edu/heer/handlist23.pdf@(Accessed Dec. 5, 2016).
In cases where the names of authors and editors are not differentiated on the basis of surnames and Christian names, please follow the custom of the country or region the individual belongs to.
- Proofreading
- The author will be allowed to proofread twice by final draft.
- Remuneration and Offprints
- (1) There will be neither charges levied nor remuneration offered for submissions.
- (2) Authors will receive 30 copies of publication.
- Contact Address
For details concerning submissions and other matters please contact the following address:
Occasional Papers Editorial Board, Institute of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Studies, Sophia University, 7-1 Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8554
Tel 03|3238|3697
Fax 03|3238|3690
Email: i-asianc@sophia.ac.jp
