Occasional Papers (Monograph Series)

List of Titles&Electronic Edition

No.38 (2024) TANAKA Masako, TAKAMUKU Yuri, KAGE Rie,日本で暮らす留学生のための包括的セクシュアリティ教育: 調査結果に見るその必要性と教材の開発 (In Japanese) Electronic Edition
No.37 (2024) SAKAI Takashi,アチェからの再出発: 日系インドネシア社会の形成者、クンプル乙戸の生涯 (In Japanese) Electronic Edition
No.36 (2023) TANAKA Masako, TAKAMUKU Yuri,Herlina Christine Makalew, Laura Widuri Nainggolan, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Indonesian Migrant Women in Japan: A multi-site study on pregnancies and contraceptive use in Manado and Oarai Electronic Edition
No.35 (2023) Edited by FUKUTAKE Shintaro,シンポジウム記録 東ティモール民主共和国20周年特別シンポジウム:2002年の「主権回復」を問い直す (In Japanese) Electronic Edition
No.34 (2022) Edited by NEMOTO Kei, Co-authored by TAKAHASHI Yuri and INOUE Sayuri, Myanmar Studies without Burmese? On how and why Language still matters for Area Studies Volume 1 Electronic Edition
No.33 (2022) KINYUA Laban Kithinji, Experiencing the State in Sub-Saharan Africa: Historicising Districts Toponymy and Decentralisation as a Landscape for Development in Central Kenya Electronic Edition
No.32 (2022) Co-authored by KAWASHIMA Midori and KUSHIMOTO Hiroko, Kitabs and Islamic Learning in an Iranun Community in Sabah, Malaysia: Continuity and Change Electronic Edition
No.31 (2021) KATO Kumiko (ed.), The Proceedings of the Symposium on "Maritime Communities in Practices of Skill, Knowledge, and Rituals: Some Cases from Sulawesi, Indonesia" Electronic Edition
No.30 (2021) Yellowbelle Del Mundo DUAQUI, Disaster Philanthropy and Humanitarian Assistance in the Japan-Philippines Corridor: The Cases of Typhoon Haiyan of 2013 in the Philippines and the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011 Electronic Edition
No.29 (2021) Sebasuchano Shigeru TAZAWA, Toward the “Paradoxical” History of Zionism: Reconsidering the History of German Antisemitism in the Second Half of Nineteenth Century (In Japanese)Electronic Edition
No.28 (2020) KAJIMURA Miki, CHEN Tien-Shi Edited by: NEMOTO Kei, 在外ビルマ(ミャンマー)人の移動と土着化(In Japanese)Electronic Edition
No.27 (2019) Edited by: Oman FATHURAHMAN, KAWASHIMA Midori, and Labi Sarip RIWARUNG, The Library of an Islamic Scholar of Mindanao: The Collection of Sheik Muhammad Said bin Imam sa Bayang at the Al-Imam As-Sadiq(A.S.) Library, Marawi City, Philippines: An Annotated Catalogue with EssaysElectronic Edition
No.26 (2019) Edited by: TERADA Takefumi, A Welcoming Church: The Experience of Ofunato Church after 3.11(In Japanese)Electronic Edition
No.25 (2018) FUJIMURA Hitomi, A Reconsideration of the“Self-supporting”Karen Mission in the Nineteenth Century Burma through an Analysis of the Sgaw Karen Documents(In Japanese)Electronic Edition
No.24 (2018) Antony SUSAIRAJ, Religious Co-existence and the Vision of Vivekananda towards Religious Harmony in the Indian ContextElectronic Edition
No.23 (2017) Megha WADHWA, Opportunities and Challenges in a Foreign Land:A Study of the Indian Resident Community in Tokyo and its vicinity
No.22 (2017) MISAWA Nobuo, Verification for the Achievements of a Japanese Merchant in Istanbul:Personal History of Torajiro YamadaElectronic Edition
No.21 (2016) Edited by: TERADA Takefumi, The Faces of Being Church Among Migrant Filipinos in JapanElectronic Edition
No.20 (2016) NEMOTO Kei(Ed.), KAJIMURA Miki and SUN Wonsuk, 在外ビルマ人コミュニティの形成と課題 ―日本と韓国を事例に―(In Japanese)Electronic Edition
No.19 (2016) YANAGIYA Ayumi, Modern Syrian short stories : Zakary Tmir, al-irim (Sour Grapes)(In Japanese)
No.18 (2015) KUBO Makiko, Iconographic Representation and its Arrangement of the Decorations around the Doorways in Ta Som: An Investigation Report on the Satellite Temples around Preah Khan and Jayataka(In Japanese)Electronic Edition
No.17 (2014) KAWASHIMA Midori, The “White Man’s Burden” and the Islamic Movement in the Philippines: The Petition of Zamboanga Muslim Leaders to the Ottoman Empire in 1912 Electronic Edition
No.16 (2014) TORIYA Masato, The Political Dynamics of Afghanistan and Its Relationship with British India in the Latter Half of the Nineteenth Century―Focusing on the Second Anglo-Afghan War―(In Japanese)Electronic Edition
No.15 (2014) SAKAI Takashi, OHASHI Koji, Ceramic Shards Found in Trowulan Site, Indonesia (In Japanese)Electronic Edition
No.14 (2014) Ria FITORIA, Indonesian Diaspora Communities of Migrant Domestic Workers: Life History of Their Struggles and Social and Spiritual Satisfaction through Networking and Print Media Electronic Edition
No.13 (2013) OKADA Kuriko, Life of Urban Indigenous Peoples: “City,” ”Homeland” and “Catholic Community” of the Migrant Amis in Taipei (In Japanese)
No.12 (2013) LeMay, Alec, Inculturating Inculturation: Considering Multiculturalism within the Roman Catholic Church of Japan amongst Japanese, Filipinos, and Filipino-JapaneseElectronic Edition
No.11 (2012) IKEDA Kazuto, Karen and Thakins under the Japanese Occupation in Burma, 1942-45: History and Historiography of the Myaunmya Incident and the Karen Battalion in the Thakin-led Uprising(In Japanese)Electronic Edition
No.10 (2012) Edited by: Kawashima Midori, The Qur'an and Islamic Manuscripts of MindanaoElectronic Edition
No.9 (2012) OKADO Masaki, Monograph of Livelihood over Social Networks and Places of Upper Egyptian Construction Workers in Urban Area(In Japanese)Electronic Edition
No.8 (2011) TOBINAI Yuko, Who are the ‘Internally Displaced People’? History, Ordinary Life, and Identity of the Kuku in Khartoum(In Japanese)
No.7 (2011) SUZUKI Yuki, Sea as Resource: The Ecological History of the Indigenous Moken and “Special Marine Products”(In Japanese)
No.6 (2011) Compiled by: Labi Riwarung, Primo Salivio, Kawashima Midori, Edited by: Kawashima Midori, A Catalogue of the Maisie Van Vactor Collection of Maranao Materials in the Arabic Script at the Gowing Memorial Research CenterElectronic Edition
No.5 (2010) al-Shaykh A mad Bashr:SAITO Mitsuko(Japanese Translation), KAWASHIMA Midori (Explanatory Notes) , al-Shaykh A mad Bashr “Trkh al-islm f al-filibbn”(In Japanese)
No.4 (2009) YAMADA Hiroshi, カンボジア人民党の特質とその変容(1979〜2008年) (In Japanese)Electronic Edition
No.3 (2009) MOTEKI Akashi, イマーム・シャーフィイー(767-820)の「聖者」イメージの形成と変容―聖者伝史料の分析から― (In Japanese)Electronic Edition
No.2 (2008) MIZOBUCHI Masaki, イスラーム主義運動研究と社会運動理論―資源動員論とその前後の理論史展開を中心に― (In Japanese)Electronic Edition
No.1 (2005) SAEKI Natsuko, アチェ:恐怖と不信の中で暮らす人々 (In Japanese)Electronic Edition