Sophia Journal of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern StudiesNo.40
Africa and the World: Past and Present
YAZAWA Tatsuhiro,gEditorfs Noteh
OCHIAI Takehiko, gLeprosy Control in Colonial Nigeria: A Historical Overview,h Sophia Journal of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Studies 40(2022):3-32.
AMINAKA Akiyo,gMuslims in Contemporary Mozambique: Ismaili gReturnh to Africa and Sunni in the State's Framework,h Sophia Journal of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Studies 40(2022):33-47.
SUZUKI Hideaki, gWho were gthe Africansh in the first half of the 20th century Persian Gulf?:
An approach from gstrange gaph in records on manumission certificates,h Sophia Journal of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Studies 40(2022):49-69(In Japanese).
ARAKI Keiko,gPan-Africanism in the 21st century: The End of a Single Narrative and the Potential of the Black Lives Matter Movement,hSophia Journal of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Studies 40(2022):71-89.
YAZAWA Tatsuhiro,gRaising the Colonial Voice from the Heart of Portuguese Empire:
Africans in Lisbon, 1910s?30s,hSophia Journal of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Studies 40(2022):91-112(In Japanese). |