主な著書/Publications “A ‘critical inquisition into the constitution of the intellectual faculties’: Kantian transcendental analysis and transcendental reflection in S.T. Coleridge’s Logic”, Intellectual History Review, 2022. DOI: 10.1080/17496977.2021.2017704 “Powers and Plantules: Coleridge’s Logic on the Nature of the Faculties”, Journal of Romanticism 2, 2017, 57–81. “Coleridge’s Two-Level Theory of Metaphysical Knowledge and the Order of the Mental Powers in the Logic”, Ch. 11 in Coleridge and Contemplation, ed. Peter Cheyne, with a foreword by Mary Warnock, Oxford University Press, 2017, 193–210. “‘Schelling puzzles me for ever’: Freedom, Evil, and Remorse in Coleridge’s Critical Commentary on the Freedom Essay”, The Coleridge Bulletin, NS 50, Winter 2017, 69–83. その他/Others Recent Academic Presentations “An