
  • Faculty Spotlight: Department Chair, Professor Noriko Ishii, a specialist in American Studies and American Women’s History.

    Professor Noriko Ishii is the chair of the Department of English Studies. She lived in San Francisco for four years during elementary school. Those experiences lingered with her after coming back to Japan and she continued to concentrate on studying English, eventually entering our own Department of English Studies at Sophia University. After graduating from Sophia University, she completed MPhil and PhD programs at George Washington University while raising her children. As a mother, a graduate from Sophia University, and a professor of the English department, Prof. Noriko Ishii told the Angles editors powerful and inspiring stories. Angles Editors: Could you tell us about your background before you entered university? <続きを読む>
  • Mini Lecture Series: Working on Advanced Vocabulary from Home

    Here is a short lecture on building vocabulary from Gavin Furukawa, a specialist in Sociolinguistics and Assistant Professor in the Department of English Studies: “Many English Studies students have been worried about losing their English skills while practicing social distancing. One easy thing to do during this time is to work on your vocabulary. Here’s a short video on how to work on expanding your university-level vocabulary using some great tools that are available on the internet. In this video, I explain how to create a vocabulary log, one of the main ways that people learn vocabulary that they want to use in real life, not just for tests. I <続きを読む>