駐日オーストラリア大使を迎え 第1回Round Tableを開催します。
国際関係研究所では、駐日オーストラリア大使のH.E. Bruce Miller氏をお迎えし、小人数でのディスカッションを行う『第1回 Round Table』を開催します!
Round Table provides students, faculty members, and alumni with opportunities to have discussions with leading figures from various fields: international relations, politics, and economics.
For our first session of the series, we will welcome H.E. Bruce Miller (Australian Ambassador to Japan) to discuss important topics in international relations concerning Asia/Oceanian regions(territorial issues, security, issues in the Spratly Islands).
●Date & time:October 30 (FRI) 17:00~18:30
(Lecture, Discussion, and Informal Exchanges)
●Venue: Bld. 13 (Fukudaya Bld.), 1st Floor, Room 103
● Thema:「Australia, Japan and the Security of the Asia-Pacific」
●Guest:Guest: H.E. Bruce Miller(Australian Ambassador to Japan)
●Coordinator: Ichiro Fujisaki(Chair of Sophia Institute of
International Relations; Former Japanese Ambassador to the U.S.)
★Pre-registering is required.
If you wish to join, please send us your
1) Name 2) Department, 3) ID, and 4) e-mail address to:
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