How can Japan, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), and the United Nations work together to advance their support for Afghanistan?
We will especially discuss ways to expand the late Dr. Tetsu Nakamura’s PMS’s
irrigation system to an entire Afghanistan. (This is the part of special projects for
110 years’ anniversary of Sophia University.)
■Date & Time:
Wed., June 14, 2023
18:00-21:00 (Japan time)
■Venue: Bldg. 2, 1702, Sophia University (Max.120pers.) or Zoom (No limitation)
■Language: English
■Open to public
■Free Admission / Registration Required in Advance:
Registration For ONSITE
Registration For ONLINE
■Please click here to download the flier.
■Initial Remarks
Prof. Yoshiaki Terumichi
(President of Sophia University)
Prof. Ken Aoki
(Director, Sophia Institute for Human Security, Sophia University)
■Main Speakers
Amb. Tarig Ali Bakheet
(Special Envoy of the Secretary General of OIC to Afghanistan)
Dr. Masaru Murakami
(President, Peace Japan Medical Service (PMS))
Eng. Mohammad Al-Saati
(Special Advisor for President of Islamic Development Bank)
■Planner and Moderator
Prof. Daisaku Higashi (Professor, Center for Global Education and Discovery, Sophia University)
Mr.Tetsuo Kondo
(Former Director of UNDP Representation Office in Tokyo,
Adjunct Professor of Sophia University and University of Tokyo,
Specially-Appointed Professor of Kyoto University,
Visiting Professor of Nagasaki University)
Mr.Masao Torii
(President of the Sophia University Alumni Association)
Dr. Sali Augustine (Chancellor of Sophia University )
■Conclusive Remarks
Dr. Sali Augustine (Chancellor of Sophia University )
Contact : un-weeks-co@sophia.ac.jp
Organizer : Sophia University
Co-organizer : Sophia Institute for Human Security, Sophia Institute of
International Relations, Center for Global Education and Discovery, Japan Global Dialogue
Supported by Sophia University Alumni Association
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