How to advance cooperation between OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) and Japan on assisting Afghanistan
■Date & Time:
30 January 2023, 14:00-16:00 (Saudi Arabia)
30 January 2023, 20:00-22:00 (Tokyo)
■Online by Zoom: The zoom link will be distributed before the event.
■Language: English and Japanese (Simultaneous translation)
■Open to:Students and the public
■Admission free, Pre-registration required:
■Please click here to download the flier.
■Initial Remarks
Mr. Shimmura Izuru
(Representative of the Government of Japan for OIC, Consul-Generalof Japan in Jeddah)
Fr. Tsutomu Sakuma
(Chancellor of Sophia University)
Mr. Hitoshi Kikawada
(Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs in the House of Representative of Japan
Secretary-General, Japan Parliamentarians Federation on Population (JPFP) )
■Main Speakers
Amb. Tarig Ali Bakheet
(Special Envoy of the Secretary-General of OIC to Afghanistan)
Eng.Mohammad Al-Saati
(Special Advisor for President of Islamic Development Bank)
Dr. Masaru Murakami
(President, Peace Japan Medical Service (PMS))
■Commentator Dr. Sali Augustine (Executive Managing Trustee for General Affairs, Sophia University )
■Planning and Moderator
Dr. Daisaku Higashi (Professor, Sophia Institute of International Relations, Sophia University )
Contact : iir-ofc@sophia.ac.jp
Hosted by Sophia Institute of International Relations at Sophia University
Co-hosted by Sophia Institute for Human Security, Japan Global Dialogue,
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