- Profile
Dr. Hyangsuk Kwon is an associate professor in the Faculty of Global Studies at Sophia University.
She received a Ph.D. from the Universityfs Graduate Program in International Relations, which constitutes part of the Graduate School of Foreign Studies, after having earlier obtained a Masterfs degree in the same Graduate Program. Her doctoral thesis is entitledgA Study on Self-Governance of Ethnic Minority: Korean-Chinese Migration and Formation of Networks in Northeast Asiah(2007).
Her current research includes Sociocultural Studies of East and Northeast Asia (particularly Northeastern China, South Korea and Japan) based on fieldwork. She conducts research on transnational Korean-Chinese families over three Generations in these regions. Another of her areas of focus is the specificities of settlement and community formation of Korean Chinese in Japan and South Korea.
- Kwon Hyangsukfs publications include the following:
gA Perspective on Theoretical Challenges of Korean-Chinese Studies on Migration and Community: Toward Critical Succession of Transnational Framework,h (in Japanese) Journal of the Association for the Korean-Chinese Studies, Vol.8, 2018, pp.28-53.
gImmigrant Settlement of Korean-Chinese in Japan since 1990s: A Viewpoint of the Scattering and Reunion of Families,h (in Korean) The Korean Journal of Japanese Studies, No. 14, Institute for Japanese Studies, Seoul National University, 2015, pp.158-181.
gKorean-Chinese Immigration and Ethnic Community: Practice between Trans-nationalization and Further Marginalization,h (in Korean) History and Culture, No.44, HUFS (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) Institute of History and Culture, 2012, pp.1-32.
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