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言語研究コース2022Exploring and Evaluating the Effectiveness of Gamification and Game-based Language Learning on EFL vocabulary learning in a Japanese JHS context
言語研究コース2022Changes in university students’ beliefs, anxiety, and confidence in using English: Investigating the effects of English-medium classes
言語研究コース2022Politeness theory and Japanese university students’ use of Honorifics in LINE message interactions
言語研究コース2022The construction of failed humor in Japanese
言語研究コース2022Educational Considerations for Children with Foreign Backgrounds in Japan
言語研究コース2022The Use of Texts and Students’ Beliefs in Mainstream History Classrooms: The Limitations and Possibilities for Exploring Histories
言語研究コース2022Efficacy of CLIL in Improving Japanese University Students’ English-Speaking Ability
言語研究コース2022Humor: gender-based variation in text messages