HOME > 2023年
北米研究コース2023Silicon Valley: The Innovative and Conservative Aspects of its Business Model and Culture
北米研究コース2023Grappling with the Concept of Onna-rashisa (Femininity): Qualitative Analysis of Japanese Undergraduate Women
北米研究コース2023Resonating as a Highly Sensitive Person: Qualitative Analysis of Japanese Women Who Self-identify as HSP
北米研究コース2023Struggling with Misunderstanding, Anxiety, and Isolation: Narratives of Young Japanese Women’s Experiences with Menstruation
北米研究コース2023Mixed Heritage, Diverse Identity: Japanese American Youth in Contemporary America
北米研究コース2023The Ideal and Conflicts of American Democracy Analysed from the Presidential Addresses
北米研究コース2023The Authenticity of Hip Hop World – Focusing on the relationship between race and cultural integration-
北米研究コース2023Newsboys to Newsies – Various views of Newsboys in the 19th century to the 21st century
北米研究コース2023The Development of the Hmong’s Agency in the United States in the late 20th century
北米研究コース2023Criticization and Acceptation of Jewish food in the U.S. from late 19th century
北米研究コース2023The Knowledge and Power of Black Women in the United States: Resistance against White Supremacy
ヨーロッパ研究コース2023Looking for Chibi Film Project Inspired by British Short Story