HOME > 2019年
北米研究コース2019Carrying an Imaginary Baby while Job Hunting: Gender Identity and Career Narratives of Japanese Female University Students
北米研究コース2019Hollywood, Racial Diversity, and Spike Lee: Is Equal Authority of African Americans Possible in White Film Industry?
北米研究コース2019Beauty as the Institution: How Lookism Works as Normalization with Race and Gender in the Japanese Context
北米研究コース2019“Hawaii” in Setouchi Suo Oshima Island and Japanese immigrants to Hawaii
北米研究コース2019Historical and Cultural Origins of Rock ’N’ Roll: Transatlantic Movements and Indigenization, 1950-1969
北米研究コース2019Wilhelm Heine and Orientalism: Identity of the German- American Artist after Perry’s and Eulenburg’s Expedition to Japan
北米研究コース2019Japanese Love of Hula and Hawaiian Culture: The Pursuit of “Locality” and the Cinematic Impact of Hula Girls (2006)
北米研究コース2019Race, Baseball and Jackie Robinson: Remaining Discrimination in Major League Baseball?
北米研究コース2019Hip Hop and its Impact on American Society Through Mainstream Media: Through the Lens of Kendrick Lamar
北米研究コース2019“An Inconvenient Era for Us Men”: Male Undergraduates’ Narratives of Denial, Resistance and Privilege about Being Men in Japan