Sophia Journal of European Studies

The European Institute encourages submission of academic articles to be featured in the “Sophia Journal of European Studies” issued annually.

Please read carefully the below guidelines before preparing your article for submission:

Sophia Journal of European Studies Vol. 16 (2024)  

Articles for submission must be previously unpublished. Papers should be academic articles, research papers, book reviews etc…


Submission Requirements:

Articles, reports and book reviews that focus on European studies are welcome. Authors can either be European Institute fellows or those who are not.

Upon application, authors are asked to submit temporary title and abstract in the language of manuscript (Japanese: 400 letters, European languages: 200 words approximately). Please be aware that some articles may not be reviewed depending on the theme, and that not all applications are accepted due to the limited number of pages.

Application and Submission:

Please contact by e-mail to

Application deadline:  Friday, 28th  June
*Please state the following upon application: (1) author’s full name, title and organization, (2) contact (address, telephone number and e-mail), (3) category of manuscript, (4) language of manuscript, (5) abstract in the language of manuscript (Japanese: 400 letters, European languages: 200 words approximately)

Submission deadline:  Friday, 27th September


Japanese, English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese
Articles written in Japanese: title and abstract (limit: 200 words) in another language from the above required. Title and abstract in two languages may be added when considered necessary by author.
Articles written in languages other than Japanese: title and abstract (limit: 600 letters) in Japanese required. Title and abstract in an another language may be added when considered necessary by author.

Number of words and pages:

1) Academic articles
An academic article written in a European language should cover 15 pages or less (with one page featuring 400 words on 36 lines on A4-size paper).

2) Research notes
A research note written in a European language should cover 10 pages or less (with one page featuring 400 words on 36 lines on A4-size paper).

*Body text, title, abstract, notes references and figures should be included in the above-mentioned number of pages.
*Manuscripts other than academic articles or research notes (i.e. book reviews, visit reports) should basically be less than 5 pages.

Style and Format:

All notes should be indicated at the end of the body text. Author is free to style references as he or she wishes to.
The paper structure should consist of: title (in Japanese as well as the original language), author’s full name, abstract (in Japanese as well as the original language), notes and references.
Chapters must be indicated in Roman figures, and paragraphs in Arabic numerals.

How to submit:

By e-mail attachment file in Microsoft WORD format.
The manuscript should feature the following: title, author’s full name, abstract, body text, notes, references.

Acceptance process:

Papers are reviewed by members of the editorial team and published at the editors’ discretion. Author will be informed by e-mail upon acceptance, while editors may ask for some modifications if judged necessary.
The submitted papers shall not be returned whether accepted or not.


Authors will proofread the first draft only.


There is no manuscript fee of the “Sophia Journal of European Studies”, however, copies of the journal are dedicated to authors.


All copyrights related to the articles featured on “Sophia Journal of European Studies” belong to the European Institute, Sophia University. Permission to reproduce any portion of an article must be received prior to translating or reproducing them in other publications.
All articles will be published online on the European Institute website and other related organizations.
The European Institute, Sophia University, understands that authors are aware of the following.


European Institute, Sophia University Central Library, Room 721B, 7th floor, Sophia University, Yotsuya Campus
7-1 Kioi-Cho, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 102-8554, Japan
Tel.: 03-3238-3902 Fax: 03-3238-3533

< Revised May 2019 >