


“Get Away From Me”: Canadian Popular Music and American Culture
日時: 2011年6月11日(土) 12:30-17:45

第一部: “Old School”: Symposium on Neil Young, The Band, and Joni Mitchell 12:30-14:30
司会:柴田元幸 (東京大学)
Hidetoshi Tomiyama (Meijigakuin Univ)
  Ted Goossen (York Univ)
Steve Clark (Tokyo Univ)

第二部: Talk on the Quebec Music Scene and Performance 14:30-15:30
  Chair: Julia Leyda (Sophia Univ)
Performer: Frederic Gary Comeau
第三部: “From Prog to PoMo”: Symposium on Rush, Saga, and the Peaches 15:45-17:45
  Chair and Panelist: Tristanne Connolly (St. Jerome’s Univ)
  PaAngus Whitehead (National Institute of Education, Singapore)