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Auslegung des Leidens Christi (Fortsetzung 9)


Jörg Mauz


This part (cont. 9) tells, how Pilate tries to save Jesus’ life:
– He hands Jesus over to be whipped, and hopes, the Jews to be satisfied with this
castigation, and that he could let Jesus go free afterwards.
– The Jews see, how Jesus is brought to a column, and one Jew brings the ropes,
Jesus had driven out from the Temple the sellers and buyers with, and with the
same ropes Jesus is dragged to the column, dragged so strongly, that the blood
runs out from Jesus’ fingernails.
– The “Peace castigation”, as it is named, comes over Jesus in a threefold way:
with switches, scourges and chaines. The switches rip open the skin of Jesus, the
scourges tear up his flesh, the chains expose the bones of Jesus: all 462 bones, a
man’s body has, can be seen.
– Pilate lets the crying, ill treated Jesus step before a big window, so that all the
people can see Jesus, and says: “Behold the man!” The Jews yell the answer: “We
have a law, and according to this law, he must die, because he made himself the
son of God!” They quote, too, a passage from Dt. 13, 02 – 06: “A false prophet will
appear and teach the people to adore false gods! Such a prophet we must kill!”
– Pilate is shocked, asks Jesus, where he is from, insists on his authority, is
taught by Jesus, where authority is from, namely from God, is willing to let Jesus
free. But the Jews threaten Pilate: “If you let this man free, you are not a friend of
the emperor!” After this, Pilate hands Jesus over to the Jews for crucifixion…(cf.:
Jo. 19, 02 – ff.).
Part I gives the original and the transliteration, part II a modern German version,
and part III some footnotes.