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Auslegung des Leidens Christi (Fortsetzung 10) (Christ’s passion displayed (continued 10))


Jörg Mauz


This part (cont. 10) depicts the way of the cross: - The Way of the Cross begins with spitting: The Jews spit at the face of Jesus so strongly that the spit flows down to the bosom of Jesus, and there is in the spit an ugly smell, too… This smell would have killed Jesus, but devine power keeps Jesus alive… - Then the “knights” (= Roman soldiers) remove Jesus’ purple-gown and put on his “skirt” (=his clothes). In between Jesus sits naked in the market-place like a leper. They tie Jesus’ hands behind his back and push the cross between his arms on his shoulder. They arrive at the city gate. There Jesus falls down because of weakness. They pull Jesus to his feet immediately, forcing Simeon of Cyrene to carry the cross. - Mary follows the suffering of her Son with great pain and grief, realizing that the “prophecy” of Simeon: “A sword will pierce your heart” becomes true. - Jesus, being attached to the cross, not nailed!, speaks with His Father, rendering everything to His Fathers will, even so Jesus does not get an answer, why he has to suffer… PS: Fol. 51 r is not available… Part I gives the original and the transliteration, part II a modern German version, and part III some footnotes.