出版物 |Sophia Linguistica

アルモドバル映画『私の秘密の花』の言語表象と日本語 ―共示的メッセージの伝達―


矢田 陽子


現代スペイン社会の現実を80 年代から描き続け,厳しい社会状況下で生き抜く
アルモドバル作品の最も顕著な特徴となっていった。本稿では,1995 年の作品『私
の秘密の花- La flor de mi secreto』の女性登場人物の台詞をコーパスとして,ア
Spanish film director and screenwriter Pedro Almodóvar has presented the reality of
Spanish society through his plenty of works since the 80s. Especially he is well known as
the director who describes Spanish women, who struggle to survive in severe situations.
Almodóvar always includes his own messages in the lines, however, it is not so easy to
recognise and understand the meaning. This article aims to analyse the female lines of
the film La flor de mi secreto (The Flower of My Secret) from the semiotic point of view.
Through the analysis, we will know the relationship between the social representation of
the film and the intention of the director. And also we will find out what kind of message
the Spanish director tried to put into the lines of the heroines of this film.