
Donna Erickson氏

日時2012年9月28日(金) 15:15-16:45

Speech production and applications to second language learning


Verbal communication involves a number of skills, including vocabulary, grammar and understandable pronunciation. Many studies have shown how miscommunication occurs because of mispronunciation of a consonant or vowel. However, spoken language is not merely consonants and vowels; it is a prosodic integration of these units into larger units of syllables, words, phrases and sentences. As we verbally produce sentences, the prosody of speech changes, that is, there are measurable changes in the acoustic characteristics (e.g., fundamental frequency, intensity, duration, vowel quality). As each language has its set of consonant and vowels, each language also has its distinctive prosody. Moreover, these attributes of the speaker’s first language can interfere with the native-like acquisition of the second language.

This talk will report results from my current research on articulation of English sentence rhythm, based on EMA (electromagnetic articulographic), video and MRI studies of jaw and tongue movement, as produced by native English speakers and Japanese learners of English.

The phonetic results are discussed within a phonological framework of English sentence stress (metrical grids). English sentence stress implementation is then compared with that of Japanese learners. Some suggestions for helping Japanese learners improve the rhythm of the spoken English will also be discussed.




上智大学 四谷キャンパス 音声学研究室 9-555A