
Bryan Gick氏 Bryan British Columbia大学)

日時2012年6月21日(木) 13:30-15:00

Constrictions aren’t what we thought they were:
biomechanical simulations and production results


Labial sounds have long been recognized as problematic for theories of speech production and phonology seeking motor-based primitives (Kelso et al. 1986: 35). This paper describes results of biomechanical simulations of the lips and face, showing previously unknown variation in muscle activation across labial sounds and evidence for biomechanical nonlinearities. Results necessitate substantial revision of motor-based theories of speech production that underlie phonological primitives. The resulting theory finds surprising efficiencies in feed-forward quantal mechanics, and accounts for known variation in degree, shape and aerodynamic factors, all absent from previous models. Additional simulations will show how this model extends to the whole vocal tract. Implications for phonology and sound change will be discussed.




上智大学 四谷キャンパス 中央図書館8階 L-821