
Keith Johnson氏 (University of Lancaster)

日時2011年11月17日(木) 17:30-19:00

What makes a good teacher?
Studying expertise teaching skills


What characteristics do expert language teachers have? What do they do in the classroom that distinguishes them for non-experts? Why is it important to know? The workshop will stimulate discussion around questions like these. Participants will be invited to watch some portions of lessons taught to teachers of varying levels of experience, and will be asked to note differences between them. This will lead to discussion about important characteristics of language teaching expertise. We will also considered how knowledge about the behaviour of expert teachers can help us as teacher trainers. Presumably understanding good teachers will help us create good teachers. But if so, how exactly? In the course of the workshop, a number of small-scale language teaching expertise studies undertaken at Lancaster University will be briefly described.




上智大学 四谷キャンパス 7号館14階 特別会議室