

The Caribbean and Mexico: Facing the Challenge of COVID-19

Dr. Jaime Aragón Falomir (The University of the Antilles)


“La polarización de la tenencia de la tierra en América Latina bajo la pandemia y guerra en Ucrania”

Dr. Sergio Gómez Echenique (Profesor Asociado de FLACSO-Chile y Consultor independiente)


Latin American Thoughts on Development Revisited: In Search of a New Paradigm Shirt

Dr. Alicia Bárcena (Executive Secretary of Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean -ECLAC-)


Inequality in Latin America: What it Means for Theory and Policy

Dr. Diego Sánchez-Ancochea (Head of the Oxford Department of International Development)


Achievements and Future of the Multi-layered Academic Program by the 3 Japanese Universities and Latin America


“Mexico-United States relation under Trump”

Dr. Arturo Santa-Cruz (Universidad de Guadalajara)


“O Brasil, ainda país do futuro?”

Dr. Richard Marin (Profesor Emérito, Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès)


Conference by H.E. Carlos Holmes Trujillo, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Colombia

H.E. Carlos Holmes Trujillo, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Colombia


“The Land of The Rising Sun: Trends in Renewable Energy Policy in Brazil”

Dr. Antonio José Junqueira Botelho PhD (Profesor, IUPERJ – Instituto Universitário de Pesquisas do RJ, Universidade Candido Mendes)


“Colombia, los retos frente al buen uso de la biodiversidad, en un momento de cambio socio-político”

Dr. Juan Ricardo Gómez Serran y Dr. Sebastián Restrepo Calle (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Facultad de Estudios Ambientales y Rurales)