



小牧昌平「序文「特集 イラン世界とその周辺地域ーその形成と展開」について」『上智アジア学』25(2007)

守川知子「ロマンスからヒストリアへ −ビーソトゥーン碑文とイランにおける歴史認識−」『上智アジア学』25(2007):1-48
渡部良子「Daftar-i Dilgushaに見えるシャバーンカーラ史の叙述 −モンゴル時代史研究における韻文史書利用の可能性−」『上智アジア学』25(2007):49-80
小牧昌平「近代アフガニスタン国家の成立過程 −ヘラートの事例を中心に−」『上智アジア学』25(2007):137-159
近藤信彰「19世紀テヘランの大バーザール −発展、構成、所有関係−」『上智アジア学』25(2007):161-195
黒田 卓「ヘイダル・ハーンの事績再考」『上智アジア学』25(2007):197-220
吉村慎太郎「第二次世界大戦とイラン政治 −英・ソ共同占領下の国内危機の諸相−」『上智アジア学』25(2007):221-249
鈴木 均「イランにおける地方議会制度と地方自治意識の発展 −ハータミー期における発展とその法律的条件について−」『上智アジア学』25(2007):251-286


DJERBAL, Daho, “The National Liberation Front (FLN) and Islam Concerning the Relationship between the Political and the Religious in Contemporary Algeria,” The Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 25(2007):287-301.
WARREN, James Francis, “The Port of Jolo and the Sulu Zone Slave Trade,” The Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 25(2007):303-322.
邦訳:堀井聡江 解説:川島緑「『新しい黎明』1960年代カイロのフィリピン・ムスリム留学生論文集邦訳・解説(2)」『上智アジア学』25(2007):323-350

The Iranian World and its Neighboring Areas - Formation and Development

KOMAKI, Shohei, “Editor’s Note”


MORIKAWA. Tomoko, “The Bisotun Inscription and the Persians: The Place of Gods, Romance, and ‘Historicity’,” The Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 25(2007):1-48.
WATABE, Ryoko, “A Description of the History of Shabankaras in the Daftar-i Dilgusha:: A Study on Persian verse historiography (tarikh-I manzuma) as a historical material of the Mongol Period,” The Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 25(2007):49-80.
YAMAGUCHI, Akihiko, “Shah Tahmasb’s Kurdish Policy,” The Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 25(2007):81-123.
MAEDA, Hirotake, “Parsadan Gorgijanidze’s Exile to Shushtar: From a Biographical Episode of a Georgian Official in the Service of the Safavid Shahs,” The Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 25(2007):125-136.
KOMAKI, Shohei, “The Process of the Formation of Modern Afghanistan: The Case of Heart,” The Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 25(2007):137-159.
KONDO, Nobuaki, “The Bazaar of Tehran during the Nineteenth Century: Expansion, Organization, and Ownership,” The Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 25(2007):161-195.
KURODA, Takashi, “A Reconsideration of Heydar Khan’s Life and Activities,” The Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 25(2007):197-220. YOSHIMURA, Shintaro, “The Second World War and Iranian Politics: Some Aspects of Internal Crisis under the Anglo-Soviet Occupation,” The Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 25(2007):221-249.
SUZUKI, Hitoshi, “Local Council and the Emergence of Self-governance in Iran: Developments in the Khatami Era and their Legal-Historical Aspects,” The Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 25(2007):251-286.

ARTICLES under other themes

DJERBAL, Daho, “The National Liberation Front (FLN) and Islam Concerning the Relationship between the Political and the Religious in Contemporary Algeria,” The Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 25(2007):287-301.
WARREN, James Francis, “The Port of Jolo and the Sulu Zone Slave Trade,” The Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 25(2007):303-322.
HORII, Satoe (Translation), KAWASHIMA, Midori (Explanatory Notes) “New Dawn: A Collection of Essays by Philippine Muslim Students in Cairo in the 1960s. Japanese Translation with Explanatory Notes (2),” The Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 25(2007):323-350.