



青柳洋治「序文「特集 東南アジアの土器と施釉陶磁器」に寄せて」『上智アジア学』23 (2005): 3-4


田畑幸嗣「カンボジア、アンコール地域における灰釉陶器の生産―タニ、アンロン・トム、ソサイ窯跡資料の比較研究―」『上智アジア学』23 (2005): 7-35
向井亙「タイ陶磁器の輸出初期段階の様相」『上智アジア学』23 (2005): 37-54
津田武徳「ミャンマー施釉陶磁―生産技術と編年のための史料―」『上智アジア学』23 (2005): 55-80
西村昌也・西野範子「ヴェトナム施釉陶器の技術・形態的視点からの分類と編年―10世紀から20世紀の碗皿資料を中心に」『上智アジア学』23 (2005): 81-122
AOYAGI,Yoji,“Cultural Exchanges in the South China Sea as Related by Ceramic Sherds: Excavated Archaeological Data from the Champa Kingdom,”Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 23 (2005):123-135.


丸井雅子「アンコールの瓦―バンテアイ・クデイ遺跡出土丸瓦・平瓦の様相―」『上智アジア学』23 (2005): 139-160
平野裕子「ベトナム南部 メコンデルタの土器資料―ゴートゥチャム遺跡の注口付き壷と瓦を中心に―」『上智アジア学』23 (2005): 161-178
小野林太郎「土器・陶磁器から見たセレベス海域の交易・歴史時代」―交易ネットワーク・複合社会の発展過程に関する歴史考古学的試論―」『上智アジア学』23 (2005): 179-200
Stephen,Chia,“Prehistoric Earthenware of Malaysia,”Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 23 (2005):201-235.


野上建紀「ガレオン貿易と肥前陶器―マニラ周辺海域に展開した唐船の活動とともに―」『上智アジア学』23 (2005): 239-260
坂井隆「インド洋の陶磁貿易―トルコと東アジアの交流をめぐって―」『上智アジア学』23 (2005): 261-309


田中和彦「「赤の時代」から「黒の時代」へ―ルソン島北部、カガヤン川下流域、ラロ貝塚郡における後期新石器時代から鉄器時代の土器編年―」『上智アジア学』23 (2005): 313-401

Earthenware and Glazed Ceramics in Southeast Asia


Part1:Technology and Chronology of Glazed Ceramics in Southeast Asia

TABATA,Yukitsugu,“Stoneware Ceramics Production in the Angkor Area in Cambodia - A Comparative Study of Artifacts from the Tani, Anglong Thom and Sar Sai Kilns -,”Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 23 (2005):7-35.
MUKAI,Kou,“The Initial Phase of Thai Exported Ceramics,”Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 23 (2005):37-54.
TSUDA,Takenori,“Glazed Ceramics in Myanmar: Their Manufacturing Technique and Historical Documents for Dating,”Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 23 (2005):55-80.
NISHIMURA,Masanari, and NISHINO,Noriko,“Techno-morphological Classification and Its Chronological Sequence of the Vietnamese Ceramics from the 10th and 20th Century,”Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 23 (2005):81-122.
AOYAGI,Yoji,“Cultural Exchanges in the South China Sea as Related by Ceramic Sherds: Excavated Archaeological Data from the Champa Kingdom,”Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 23 (2005):123-135.

Part2:Earthenware in Southeast Asia

MARUI,Masako,“Development of Tiles in Angkor Region: Outline of Flat and Round Tiles Excavated from Banteay Kdei, Angkor Monument,”Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 23 (2005):139-160.
HIRANO,Yuko,“Earthenware in Mekong Delta, South Vietnam: mainly in spouted vessels and roof tiles,”Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 23 (2005):161-178.
ONO,Rintaro,“Development of Long and Regional Trade Networks and Complex Societies in Celebes Sea: An Archaeological Perspectives Based on Pottery and Ceramic Analysis,”Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 23 (2005):179-200.
Stephen,Chia,“Prehistoric Earthenware of Malaysia,”Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 23 (2005):201-235.

Part3:Transpacific Trade of Hizen Ware:from Asia to the New World

NOGAMI,Takenori,“Hizen Ware Transported by Galleon Ships: Including the Role of Chinese Junks Around the South China Sea,”Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 23 (2005):239-260.
SAKAI,Takashi,“The Ceramic Trade of the Indian Ocean: Concerning Exchange between Turkey with the Eastern Part of Asia,”Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 23 (2005):261-309.

Part4:The Philippines:Chronology of the Earthenware of Shell-middens

TANAKA,Kazuhiko,“From "the Age of Red" to "the Age of Black" - Chronological Study of the Pottery from the Late Neolithic to the Iron Age in the Lal-lo Shell-midden Sites in the Lower Reaches of the Cagayan River, northern Luzon-,”Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 23 (2005):313-401.