

特集 イラン研究動向

小牧昌平「『イラン研究動向-イラン概念の再検討』研究会について」『上智アジア学』16 (1998): 1-6(論文)
Yamagishi Tomoko, “The Yaghma Family and the Mourning Ceremonies” 『上智アジア学』16 (1998): 7-20
近藤信彰「19世紀イランにおける地方権力と部族-ガヴァーム家とハムセ-」『上智アジア学』16 (1998): 21-38
Nakanishi Hisae, “Examining the Transfer of Hegemonic Power in Musaddeq’s Era: The Anglo-American Conflict and Cooperation toward Iranian Nationalism,” 『上智アジア学』16 (1998): 39-61
鈴木均「イランにおける映画史の展開と新知識人の登場」『上智アジア学』16 (1998): 63-80
小牧昌平「最近のアフガニスタン近代史研究動向-ノエル『19世紀アフガニスタンの国家と部族』を中心に『上智アジア学』16 (1998): 81-96
(書評) 徳増克己「八尾師誠著『イラン近代の原像-英雄サッタール・ハーンの革命』」『上智アジア学』16 (1998): 97-107 講演記録
池端雪浦「フィリピン革命から百年-英雄像をめぐる論争-」『上智アジア学』16 (1998): 109-121
谷川茂「カンボジア北西部の集落(1)-北スラ・スラン集落における稲作農家の共同関係」『上智アジア学』16 (1998): 123-149
鈴木陽一「マレーシア構想の起源」『上智アジア学』16 (1998): 151-169
田中和彦「ルソン島北部,ラロ貝塚群,バガッグⅠ貝塚の発掘調査と若干の問題」『上智アジア学』16 (1998): 171-211

Trend in Iranian Studies

Komaki Shohei, “Foreword: Workshop about “Reconsideration on the Image of Iran”,” Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 16 (1998): 1-6(ARTICLES)
Yamagishi Tomoko, “The Yaghma Family and the Mourning Ceremonies,” Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 16 (1998): 7-20
Kondo Nobuaki, “Local Powers and Tribal Groups in Nineteenth Century Iran: The Qavām Family and the Khamse Confederacy,” Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 16 (1998): 21-38
Nakanishi Hisae, “Examining the Transfer of Hegemonic Power in Musaddeq’s Era: The Anglo-American Conflict and Cooperation toward Iranian Nationalism,” Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 16 (1998): 39-61
Suzuki Hitoshi, “History of the Iranian Cinema and the Appearance of New Intellectuals,” Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 16 (1998): 63-80(REPORTS) Komaki Shohei, “Some Aspects of the Recent Trends on the Afghan Studies,” Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 16 (1998): 81-96(BOOK REVIEWS)
Tokumasu Katsumi, “Hachioshi Makoto, Modern Iran as She Was: From the Constitutional Revolution to the Nation-State in Iran,” Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 16 (1998): 97-107


Ikehata Setsuko, “Looking Back at the Philippine Revolution: A Review of the Debates Over the National Heroes,” Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 16 (1998): 109-121
Tanikawa Shigeru, “Village of Northwestern Cambodia (1): Relationship and Co-operation of the Farmers at North Srah Srang Village,” Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 16 (1998): 123-149
Suzuki Yoichi, “The Origins of Malaysia Plan,” Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 16 (1998): 151-169
Tanaka Kazuhiko, “Some Discussions of the Excavation of Bangag I Shell-midden Site in Lal-lo Shell-middens, Northern Luzon,” Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 16 (1998): 171-211