

特集 イスラム史における地方権力

柳橋博之「イスラーム法の著作に見る裁判管轄の分配について」『上智アジア学』13 (1995): 5-20
三浦徹「ダマスクスのマドラサとワクフ」『上智アジア学』13 (1995): 21-62
河田久美「19世紀の Fārs地方勢力-ボルーク統治権からみた諸勢力の動向-」『上智アジア学』13 (1995): 63-78
Komaki Shohei, “Khorasan in the Early 19th Century” 『上智アジア学』13 (1995): 79-108
新井政美「アフメット・フェリトに関する覚え書き-成年トルコ期における地方分権的国民主義の可能性をめぐる予備的考察-」『上智アジア学』13 (1995): 109-129
横井敏秀「ズィヤ・ギョカルプのナショナリズム思想における普遍主義的志向について-ひとつの覚え書き-」『上智アジア学』13 (1995): 131-156
川口琢司「トプカプ宮殿博物館図書館蔵『ティムール家総覧』」『上智アジア学』13 (1995): 157-171
私市正年「サアド朝成立前史の研究-聖者崇拝とシャリーフ崇拝から政治権力樹立への道-(その1)」『上智アジア学』13 (1995): 173-183


Nakatani Ayami, “Divisions Within: Changing Women’s Work in the Balinese Hand-Weaving Industry” 『上智アジア学』13 (1995): 185-206

Local Authority in Islam

Nakaoka San-eki, “Editor’s Note,” Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 13 (1995): 1-4(ARTICLES)
Yanagihashi Hiroyuki, “The Jurisdiction of the Administration in Sunni Legal Texts,” Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 13 (1995): 5-20
Miura Tohru, “The Madrasa and the Waqf in Damascus between the 5/11th and the 14/20th Centuries: A Historical Survey,” Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 13 (1995): 21-62
Kawata Kumi, “The Local Powers of the Province of Fārs in the Nineteenth Century,” Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 13 (1995): 63-78
Komaki Shohei, “Khorasan in the Early 19th Century,” Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 13 (1995): 79-108
Arai Masami, “A Note on the Life and Thought of Ahmed Ferid Tek: With Special Reference to His Activities in the Young Turk Era,” Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 13 (1995): 109-129
Yokoi Toshihide, “A Note on the Universalist Ideas in the Thought of Ziya Gӧkalp,” Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 13 (1995): 131-156
Kawaguchi Takeshi, “Synoptic Account of the Timur owned by the Library of the Topkapi Saray Museum,” Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 13 (1995): 157-171
Kisaichi Masatoshi, “A Study of the Sa‘diens: From the Marabootism and Sharifism to the Establishment of Political Powers,” Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 13 (1995): 173-183


Nakatani Ayami, “Divisions Within: Changing Women’s Work in the Balinese Hand-Weaving Industry” Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 13 (1995): 185-206