上智大学アジア文化研究所 --出版物--




須之部量三「私の外務省生活を顧みて」『上智アジア学』2 (1984):1-10


Ishizawa Yoshiaki,“The Preservation of Law and Order in Angkorian Cambodia” 『上智アジア学』2 (1984):11-31
鈴木一郎「アジアの出版文化-1960-1984年の展望と今後の課題」『上智アジア学』2 (1984): 32-57
Márkus, Kinga, “Prince Nōshzād;A Royal Martyr?:Christianity,Rūm and the Sāsānians in the Shāh-nāma,”『上智アジア学』(1984):58-79
Andres, Annabelle Gambe,“Conditions,Problems,Prospects and Policy Issues of Overseas Employment: The Case of the Filipino Domestic Helpers in Hongkong and Japan”『上智アジア学』2 (1984):80-104


清水比呂之「島嶼東南アジアの完新世に展開された剥片石器文化-フィリピン、スラウェシを中心として」『上智アジア学』2 (1984):105-135
末籐春美「1951年ジュネーヴ難民条約加入の政策決定過程-1975年-81年度の日本政府のインドシナ難民定住対策」『上智アジア学』2 (1984):136-156
桜井啓子「イラン-世俗化と『宗教の復興』-1920年代-1970年代」『上智アジア学』2 (1984):157-178


アジア文化研究所活動報告(1983.7-1984.9)SPECIAL ARTICLES
Sunobe Ryozo,“Reflection on My Diplomatic Life,”Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 2 (1984):1-10


Ishizawa Yoshiaki,“The Preservation of Law and Order in Angkorian Cambodia,”Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 2 (1984):11-31
Suzuki Ichiro,“The Publishing in Asia (1960-1984): Retrospect and Problems,”Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 2 (1984):32-57
Márkus, Kinga, “Prince Nōshzād;A Royal Martyr?:Christianity,Rūm and the Sāsānians in the Shāh-nāma,”Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 2(1984):58-79
Andres, Annabelle Gambe,“Conditions, Problems, Prospects and Policy Issues of Overseas Employment:The Case of the Filipino Domestic Helpers in Hongkong and Japan,”Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 2(1984):80-104
Shimizu Hiroyuki,“Flake Industry in Insular of South East Asia during Holocene: Especially the Philippines and Southwestern Sulawesi,”Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 2(1984):105-135
Suefuji Harumi,“The Decision-making process of entering into the Convention Relating to the Status Refugees: The Indochinese refugee settlement program of Japanese Government between 1975-81,”Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 2(1984):136-156
Sakurai Keiko,“Secularization and Religious Revival in Iran from the 1920s to 1970s,”Journal of Sophia Asian Studies 2(1984):157-178
Accessions to the library
Reports on Activities of 1983.7-1984.9