

日時  2018年12月14日(金)17:00-18:30
場所  上智大学図書館8階821号室
  第一部:17:00-17:45 An Empire of Recreation: U.S. Militarized Tourism in the Pacific (1965-1972) 
 講師:David Walter Möller(チューリッヒ大学 Ph. D. Candidate)
   During the American war in Vietnam the U.S. military command and Pan American Airways initiated a program to send U.S. service personnel all over the Pacific region for five-day Rest&Recuperation (R&R). The influx of pleasure-seeking U.S. soldiers in various cities in the Pacific jump-started tourist development and expanded the amusement industry considerably. This presentation will discuss the arrival of U.S. soldiers as part of the mobilization of the entire Pacific region for the war in Vietnam. It offers new understandings on how to re-conceptualize social transformations and tourist expansion in the Pacific during the 1960s by situating the R&R program at the very crossroads of war, tourism, and economic development. (参加人数:約50名)
  第二部:17:45-18:30 One Island, Many Empires: Overlapping Interests and Perceptions in the Archipelagos of the Western Pacific during the Late 19th Century
講師:Gonzalo San Emeterio Cabañes(チューリッヒ大学 Ph. D. Candidate)
   The archipelagos of the Western Pacific have been often presented as one of the last areas to be reached by the wave of western expansionism in the 19th century. Their beaches saw the conflict of interests and tensions between imperial agents from the United States, Germany, and Spain who claimed sovereignty over these territories. This presentation rescues the figure of the Japanese trader as a newcomer to the expansionist game in the area. Through the relationship of these traders with agents of other empires on the beaches of the Pacific, this presentation aims to show how global events can reshape local lives. (参加人数:約50名)
使用言語 英語


  ※今回のColloquiumはSophia Symposium 2018 “Practicing Power in the Global Asia”との共催です。
  181214 poster