

Larbi Sadiki 教授講演会“Political Parties and Movements in the Post-Arab Uprisings in the Middle East”

NIHU「現代中東地域研究」上智大学拠点および新学術領域「グローバル秩序の溶解と新しい危機を超えて:関係性中心の融合型人文社会科学の確立」(代表:酒井啓子千葉大学教授)では、アラブ諸国の民主化や政治変動をご専門とするカタール大学のLarbi Sadiki教授を招聘し、「アラブの春」以降の中東における政党と政治運動に関する講演会を開催いたします。皆様のご参加をお待ちしております。

Relational Studies on Global Crises Project and Center for Islamic Studies at Sophia University will invite Professor Larbi Sadiki and hold an international workshop titled Political Parties and Movements in the Post-Arab Uprisings in the Middle East.

【テーマ/Theme】“Political Parties and Movements in the Post-Arab Uprisings in the Middle East”

Organized political activity in the Middle East witnessed a rapid proliferation in the unfolding of the Arab uprisings. Political parties and movements of various ideological persuasions competed against each other following the ousting of entrenched authoritarian regimes or in a direct challenge to the status quo. Pressing issues of electoral practices, popular support, coalition politics, the role of violence and even social media dominated how political parties and movements conceived their role in civil society. This workshop explores how these political actors have organized themselves and the degree of their impact on largely authoritarian milieus. Prof. Sadiki and discussants will examine organized political activity in the post-Arab uprisings through specific examples of political parties and movements.

【日時/Date & Time】
2017年7月28日(金) 15:30-18:30
Friday, July 28, 2017 15:30-18:30

Building 6 (Sophia Tower), Room 407, Sophia University

【言語/Language】英語/in English

15:30 Opening Remarks
15:35 Rationale of the Workshop (Mohammed Moussa)
15:45 Larbi SADIKI “Al-Hirak (Peoplehood) in the context of the Arab Spring: A 'moment' of Post-politics?”
16:45 Break
17:00 Comments
- Keiko Sakai(酒井啓子・千葉大学)Nozomi Shiratani (白谷望・上智大学)Mohammed Moussa(ムハンマド・ムーサー 東京外国語大学)
17:45 Discussion
18:25 Closing Remarks

Larbi Sadiki教授の主要著作は以下の通りです。
- *The Search for Arab Democracy: Discourses and Counter-Discourses*. Columbia University Press, 2004.
- *Rethinking Arab Democratization: Elections without Democracy*, Oxford University Press, 2011.
-* Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern Democratization and Government *(editor), Routledge, 2015.


- 科研費 新学術領域研究計画B01「規範とアイデンティティ:社会的紐帯とナショナリズムの間」グローバル秩序の溶解と新しい危機を超えて:関係性中心の融合型人文社会科学の確立」(代表:千葉大学 酒井啓子)
- 上智大学イスラーム研究センター
- 'Transitions of Islam and Democracy': Engendering Democratic Learning and Civic Identities’ NPRP award [NPRP9 309-5-041] from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of The Qatar Foundation)

- 上智大学イスラーム研究センター
東京都千代田区四番町4 上智大学市谷キャンパス研究棟511号室
Tel & Fax: 03-3238-4073
e-mail: ias-iac@sophia.ac.jp(スパムメール対策のために@を全角表記しています。ご了承ください)
- 「グローバル関係学」事務局
Tel: 043-290-2334
e-mail: glblcrss@chiba-u.jp(スパムメール対策のために@を全角表記しています。ご了承ください)


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