
動画「マジョリティの特権を可視化する」公開のお知らせ(Announcement of the release of the video“Making Majority Privilege Visible”)

同志社大学が代表機関となり、上智大学が共同実施機関として取り組んだ『(令和3年度採択)文部科学省 科学技術人材育成費補助事業「ダイバーシティ研究環境実現イニシアティブ(調査分析)」』の活動成果の一環として動画「マジョリティの特権を可視化する」を作成しました。

【講師 出口真紀子 上智大学外国語学部英語学科 教授】

日本語版ページ(Japanese ed.)
As part of the achievements of the “(FY2021 Adopted) MEXT Program to Support Research Activities of Female Researchers ‘Initiative for the Implementation of the Diversity Research Environment(Survey and Analysis)'”, in which Doshisha University served as the representative institution and Sophia University as a joint implementing institution, we have created a video entitled “Making Majority Privilege Visible”.

In order for universities to achieve true diversity and inclusion, it is necessary to start by eliminating structural discrimination. By reflecting on the privileges that our own majority identity has, we believe that we can better visualize the mechanisms of structural discrimination. In order to bring about a change in consciousness among many faculty members and staff, including those in positions of decision-making power within the university, we have created a video from the perspective of “majority privilege” to provide hints for structural reform. Please take a look.
【Lecturer: Dr. Makiko Deguchi, Professor, Department of English Studies, Faculty of Foreign Studies, Sophia University】

英語版ページ(English ed.)

事務局 上智大学ダイバーシティ調査分析プロジェクト