

岡田 隆上智大学実施責任者

上智大学は、2009 年度科学技術人材育成費補助事業「女性研究者支援モデル育成」の採択を受け、「グローバル社会に対応する女性研究者支援」に取り組みました。以降、継続的に支援対象者の拡充と制度充実を着実に推し進め、現在は、様々なマイノリティが活躍できる環境の整備に向けてダイバーシティ推進室を設置し、さらなる展開を進めています。
 そうしたなかで、文部科学省 令和3年度(2021年度)科学技術人材育成費補助事業「ダイバーシティ研究環境実現イニシアティブ(調査分析)」 において、同志社大学が代表機関となり、上智大学が共同実施機関として取り組んでいるプロジェクトが「海外先進事例を通じた私立大学におけるダイバーシティ推進モデルのための調査研究」です。

 Sophia University was selected for the FY2009 Science & Technology Promotional Adjustment Funds MEXT “Supporting Activities for Women Researchers” and initiated the Project to Support Women Researchers in a Global Society. Since then, we have steadily expanded the number of people eligible for support and enhanced the system, and are currently working on further development by establishing the Office for the Promotion of Diversity to create an environment where various minorities can play an active role.
 Presently, Sophia University, as a partner organization, is undertaking a project entitled “Diversity Promotion Model in Private Universities through Advanced Overseas Cases” together with Doshisha University, the representative organization. This project is funded by the FY2021 Science & Technology Promotional Adjustment Funds MEXT “Initiative for the Implementation of the Diversity Research Environment (Survey and Analysis).”

 This project aims to increase diversity in the research environment and produce excellent research results by investigating and analyzing outstanding examples of initiatives at universities and research institutions in Japan and overseas that contribute to the promotion of women researchers, including the development of a research environment that takes their life events and work-life balance into consideration, efforts to improve their research capabilities, support for their return to work after a break from research activities or leaving the profession, and efforts to actively promote them to senior positions.
 This project is distinctive in that it will survey the efforts of four institutions - The University of Tübingen (Germany), Stanford University and Harvard University (USA), and Mahidol University (Thailand) - in cooperation with Doshisha University, the representative institution, by the end of FY2022. The results of this study are expected to suggest that there are diverse content and procedures of diversity promotion measures depending on the culture, history, or social conditions of each country, region, or organization, as well as the position and status of individuals within each organization, and the research environment in which they are working.
 In an effort to promote the activities of women researchers in Japan, this project will serve as a reference for each university in selecting a combination of policies and measures according to its characteristics and also contribute to accelerating efforts to address diversity and multiculturalism from a global perspective by widely disseminating data on the various approaches taken by overseas institutions in accordance with the characteristics of their regions and organizations, with specific examples, and by examining evaluation items suitable for Japanese universities and verifying issues. The goal of this project, ultimately, is to build a model for promoting diversity that takes advantage of the strengths of private universities.

Person responsible for implementation
Takashi Okada
Vice-President for Academic Research Affairs, Sophia University