Publication |Sophia Linguistica

Auslegung des Leidens Christi(Fortsetzung 8)


Jörg Mauz


This part(cont. 8) tells about how Jesus is questioned before Herod, brought back
to Pilate, and is “exchanged”with Barabbas..
Some peculiarities, not mentioned in the Gospels, are given here:
– The comments, given to what happens to Jesus, are more than in previous parts.
– The claim of Jesus,being the ‘Wittness of Truth’,is explained by a ‘4-fold truth’:1)
Written truth – Holy Scripture; 2)Begotten truth – Jesus,the Sun of God;3)Incarnated
truth – the man Jesus;4)Un-begotten truth – God Father.
– Jesus before Herod: For fun Herod lets Jesus put on an elegant gown. Herod’s
servants beat Jesus so heavily that he falls down ten times… The elegant gown is
a long dress and a long cloth, in which they cut a whole, so that the cloth is hanging
down on Jesus’ back and before him to his feet.
Walking back to Pilate, Jesus is hampered by the cloth, his hands are tied behind
his back, so that he falls down into the dirt ten times… Jesus’ face looks ugly,
smeered by blood and dirt…
– On the way back to Pilate the ‘Jews’,namely the priests, elders and scribes, incite,
incite the people, yelling: ’He teaches against the Law of Mose, he claims to
be a king!’ The people throw dirt, stones and pieces ofwood at Jesus…
– Mary’s grief is mentioned, too…
– The judgment of Pilate, condemning Jesus and letting Barabbas free, means
four ‘changes’:
1) God becomes a fool; 2) the Lord – a worm; 3) the King – a slave; 4) the Creator is
crushed under foot by evil men… The soul of Jesus gets more than 1000 wounds…
– Words with different meaning in modem German: 1)’Hochzeit'(lit.: ‘High-Time’)
(Engl.: wedding) – ‘Pesach Feast’; 2) ‘Ehe'(marviage) – Thora, Law of Moses; 3)
‘Wandlungen’(pl.)(changes, transformations, transubstantiations). In modern
German the word ‘Wandlung'(sg.) is mainly used for ‘consecration’.
– One word is used in theChristian sense: ‘Ostern'(‘Easter’) – Pesach Feast.
Part I gives the original and the transliteration, part II a modern German version,
and part III some footnotes.