Date | 2024.11.16 - 11.17 |
Title | TEFL IP CLIL Seminar
‘CLIL for teachers’ professional development’
Date&Time | ▶Day1:November 16, 13:30 – 16:30
▶Day2:November 17, 13:30 – 17:00
Venue | Yotsuya Campus, Sophia University
▶Day1:Room 411, Building 2
▶Day2:Room 410, Building 2 Access Guide
Theme&Target | ▶Day1 Workshop
’Improving skills for classroom data analysis and language assessment’
※Only for students and researchers from the TEFL-IP universities
▶Day2 Lecture
‘Promoting CLIL for teachers’ professional development’
※Lectures, presentations, and a panel discussion targeted at students and researchers from the TEFL-IP universities, and general audience from other universities, schools, etc.
Registration | Pre-registration is required by November 10
Please make reservations for each lecture date
▶Day1Registration QR

▶Day2Registration QR

Lecturers | ▸Dr. Tom Morton Day1 , Day2
(Professor honorario, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
▸Dr. Yuen Yi Lo Day1 , Day2
(Associate Professor, The University of Hong Kong)
▸Dr. Nate Olsen Day2
(Assistant professor , Toyo Gakuen University )
▸Mr. Kota Kawakami Day2
(Visiting lecturer, Tamagawa University)
Schedule | Day1 : Nov.16
13:30 – 13:40 Opening remarks
Dr. Makoto Ikeda (Professor , Sophia University)
13:40 – 15:00 Workshop 1
Analyzing discourse, interaction and knowledge construction in CLIL classrooms Dr. Tom Morton (Professor honorario, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
15:10 – 16:30 Workshop 2
Analysing linguistic, cognitive and multimodal demands of CLIL assessment
Dr. Yuen Yi Lo (Associate Professor, The University of Hong Kong)
16:30 Closing remarks
Dr. Makoto Ikeda (Professor , Sophia University)
Schedule | Day2 :Nov.17
13:30-13:40 Opening remarks Dr. Makoto Ikeda
13:40-14:30 Lecture 1 Dr. Tom Morton
Developing CLIL teachers’ language awareness (TLA)for content and language integration
14:30-15:20 Lecture 2 Dr. Yuen Yi Lo
CLIL Assessment and Teacher Assessment Literacy
15:30-15:50 Presentation 1
Diffusing Innovation through Collaboration: CLIL as a Catalyst for Professional Development
Dr. Nate Olsen (Assistant professor , Toyo Gakuen University )
15:50-16:10 Presentation 2
What does integration look like? – Exploring the co-construction of Cognitive Discourse Functions in a Soft CLIL classroom
Mr. Kota Kawakami (Visiting lecturer, Tamagawa University)
16:10-17:00 Panel discussion
17:00 Closing remarks Dr. Makoto Ikeda
| ▶PDF
Host | 英語教育学イニシアティヴ・プログラム(文部科学省)
Teaching English as a Foreign Language Initiative Program (Ministry of Education, Sports, Science, Culture and Technology)
Co-host | Sophia University Graduate School of Linguistics
International Institute for Language Information (SOLIFIC)