



7月12日(金) 二荒 麟氏 (メリーランド大学)のセミナーを開催いたします。NEW

報告者:二荒 麟 (メリーランド大学)
場所:2号館11階経済学部会議室B & ZOOM (HyFlex)
幹事:長谷部 拓也
タイトル:The Entry Effect of Utilities in the Electric Vehicle Charger Market 
要旨:Many governments and states subsidize investments in Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) to address concerns about insufficient Electric Vehicle (EV) charger infrastructure. Additionally, in several states in the US, public utility commissions have mandated electricity utilities to install utility-owned EVSEs. While this command-and-control policy can provide benefits such as reliable installation plans, it may also lead to crowding-out effects on private investments. This research aims to evaluate the impact of utilities' entries into the EVSE market on market outcomes. The study focuses on Maryland, where five electricity utilities were ordered to implement utility-owned EVSEs. Initial reduced-form analysis indicates that the provision of utility-owned EVSEs decreases the number of third-party EVSE entries. I plan further analysis including additional reduced-form analyses under various market definitions and a structural analysis.
