



12月1日(金)後藤 潤 氏 (政策研究大学院大学)のセミナーを開催いたします。

報告者:後藤 潤 (GRIPS)
場所:2号館11階経済学部会議室B & ZOOM (HyFlex)
幹事:樋口 裕城
タイトル: A Politician's Term Length in State-building: A Natural Experiment in India
要旨:This paper examines how a politician's term length affects policy formation in state-building. We rely on a historical natural experiment in post-colonial India, where the term lengths for the first members of the upper house of parliament were randomly determined. Combining the natural language processing approach with the difference-in-differences strategy, we find that shorter-term politicians propose policies with a short-term focus. Their policy suggestions are primarily influenced by their own imminent elections. Conversely, those serving longer terms craft policies with a more extended temporal perspective, considering not only an electoral cycle but also a national budget cycle. Furthermore, short-term politicians predominantly address policies rooted in local concerns, whereas longer-term politicians engage more in deliberations of national interests.
