



1月30日(木) Craig PARSONS氏 (横浜国立大学)のセミナーを 開催いたします。NEW

報告者: Craig PARSONS (Yokohama National University) 
幹事:蓬田 守弘
タイトル:Foreign Direct Investment Amid Uncertainty: Sectoral Insights into a Global Context
要旨:We examine the multifaceted impact of uncertainty on foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows across diverse sectors—including manufacturing, services, technology, and others— drawing upon evidence from a broad spectrum of advanced, emerging, and developing countries over a 15-year sample covering the pre-COVID period. Controlling for both global and local factors, we find significant heterogeneity in sectoral resilience and sensitivity to uncertainty. Specifically, sectors such as Energy, Healthcare, Technology, and Transport are significantly deterred by global uncertainty, reflecting their reliance on international trade networks and global supply chains. In contrast, the IT Services sector exhibits resilience—and even increased attraction—under uncertainty, likely due to its role in providing technological solutions that enhance adaptability during turbulent times. The Manufacturing and Consumer sectors demonstrate relative insensitivity to uncertainty, with FDI inflows less affected by both global and country-specific uncertainties. In summary, our study highlights the nuanced relationship between uncertainty and sector-specific FDI. Understanding these dynamics can enable policymakers to devise targeted interventions that promote stable and sustainable FDI inflows across diverse economies.