



12月5日(木) 庄司 匡宏氏 (東京大学)のセミナーを開催いたします。

報告者: 庄司 匡宏 (東京大学)
場所:2号館11階経済学部会議室B & ZOOM (HyFlex)
幹事:Gabriel Fuentes-Cordoba
タイトル:Cost and Demand Effects of Legal Adult Prostitution on Child Sex Trafficking 
要旨: We estimate the impact of legal adult prostitution on child sex trafficking. Using a nationwide survey of child sex workers and plausibly exogenous variations in the location of legal brothels, we show that legalization increases demand for and supply of trafficked children and children who voluntarily engage in prostitution. Counterfactual simulations demonstrate that closing brothels reduces them by 13.5% and 2.7%, respectively, but it deprives legal adult sex workers of their job opportunities. Alternatively, strict screening of trafficking victims in the brothels alone reduces victims by 7.3% without evicting legal workers, but it increases voluntary child sex workers by 1.6%.
