10月18日(金) Hoang V. Khieu氏 (Fulbright University Vietnam)のセミナーを開催いたします。
報告者: Hoang V. Khieu (Fulbright University Vietnam)
場所:2号館11階経済学部会議室B & ZOOM (HyFlex)
幹事:裕城 裕城& Matthias Schlegl
タイトル:Intergenerational financial transfers, taxation and the distribution of wealth
要旨:Intergenerational transfers take place mainly in the form of bequests, inter-vivo transfers and through trust-funds. Taxing these different types of transfers is subject to different rules that are characterized by specific exceptions for capital held in non-traded assets ('family businesses'). We model an economy with all three intergenerational transfers and traded and non-traded capital. We study the effect of taxation on the distribution of wealth. We calibrate the model to German data to understand the role of exceptions for non-traded assets.