



8月21日(水) 則友 雄磨氏 (コーネル大学)のセミナーを開催いたします。

報告者:則友 雄磨 (コーネル大学)
場所:2号館11階経済学部会議室B & ZOOM (HyFlex)
幹事:長谷部 拓也
タイトル:Does the Timing of Productivity Shocks in Childhood Affect Educational Attainment? 
要旨:Childhood shocks have long-term implications for future outcomes by disrupting human capital. This study examines how the timing of shocks during childhood affects human capital in the context where children face tradeoffs between schooling and productive work for production. Using data from pastoralists in rural Kenya and Ethiopia, we leverage quasi-random spatial and temporal variations of rangeland health conditions, to estimate the impact of early-life productivity shocks on the educational attainment. The results show that a one-standard-deviation increase in droughts from normal years at age 13—the final year of primary school—significantly increases the educational attainment gap by 1.37 years. This seems to be driven by the rational expectation of not going to secondary school and/or an increase in the marginal product of labor for herding. Furthermore, we examine the role of insurance in mitigating these effects. insurance results will come here. The results reveal the role of non-separable household decisions regarding child time use and agricultural production in low-income settings which could lead to a long-term implications. 
