9月28日(木)高倉 一真 氏 (東京大学)のセミナーを開催いたします。
報告者:高倉 一真 (東京大学)
場所:2号館11階経済学部会議室B & ZOOM (HyFlex)
幹事:長谷部 拓也
タイトル: Knowledge Spillovers and Strategic Network Formation
要旨:This paper examines the degree of knowledge spillovers through collaborative research and development (R&D) networks between private firms, taking into account endogenous network formation. To accomplish this objective, we develop a multiple-stage game where firms choose their output levels, R&D investments, and the partner whom with they collaborate. For the estimation of the network formation game, we employ the simultaneous game under incomplete information where network structure is only partially observed. This structural method effectively deals with endogeneity and estimates unbiased spillover parameters. As a counterfactual experiment, we compare various R&D subsidy policies for their allocation efficiency.