



7月1日(金)片山 宗親 氏(早稲田大学)のセミナーを開催いたします。

報告者:片山 宗親(早稲田大学)
場所:2号館11階経済学部会議室B & ZOOM(HyFlex)
幹事:ガブリエル フエントス・コルドバ
タイトル: Nightless City: Impacts of Policymakers’ Questions on Overtime Work of Government Officials
We quantify the impact of questions submitted by policymakers on the overtime work of Japanese government officials. We use mobile phone location data to measure the nighttime population in the government-office district at hourly frequency. Our measure is much less vulnerable to measurement errors than reported overtime working hours. Exploiting the institutional constraints, we estimate responses of the nighttime population to an exogenous increase in the number of questions submitted by using the method of local projection. We find that, on average, overtime work significantly increases and persists by midnight one week after the submission of the question. Based on our results, government officials, who are male in their 20s and female in their 40s, are the most heavily affected by the question. Furthermore, the effect on overtime work is estimated to be more pronounced when everything is paper- based, suggesting that improved efficiency using information technology can mitigate overtime work.
