

Activity Results


Publications by the SIHS researchers in 2018

List of Publications as of March, 2019.

* Authors underlined are researchers at the Sophia Institute for Human Security.

● Ayako Matsuda, Kazushi Takahashi, and Munenobu Ikegami. “Direct and Indirect Impacts of
         Index-based Livestock Insurance in Southern Ethiopia.” forthcoming in Geneva Papers on
         Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice.
● Yuya Kudo, Abu Shonchoy, and Kazushi Takahashi. “Short-term Impacts of Solar Lanterns on
         Child Health: Experimental Evidence from Bangladesh.” forthcoming in Journal of
         Development Studies.
● Yuya Kudo, Abu Shonchoy, and Kazushi Takahashi. “Can Solar Lanterns Improve Youth
Academic Performance?  Experimental Evidence from Bangladesh.” forthcoming in
         World Bank Economic Review.
Kazushi Takahashi, Christopher B. Barrett and Munenobu Ikegami. “Does Index Insurance
         Crowd In or Crowd Out Informal Risk Sharing? Evidence from Rural Ethiopia.” forthcoming
         American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
● Yutaka Arimoto, Hisaki Kono, Tsilavo Ralandison, Takeshi Sakurai, and Kazushi Takahashi.
         “Price and Non-price Information Frictions in Regional Arbitrage: The Case of Rice Traders in
         Antananarivo, Madagascar.” (2019)   Economic Development and Cultural Change, 67(2):
Kohei Kamaga.(2018). When do utilitarianism and egalitarianism agree on evaluation?
         Mathematical Social Sciences 94, 41--48.
● Walter Bossert, and Kohei Kamaga. (2018). An axiomatization of mixed utilitarian-maximin
         social welfare orderings, Economic Theory, forthcoming.
● E. Etiaba, O. Onwujekwe, Ayako Honda, O. Ibe, B. Uzochukwu, & K. Hanson. (2018). Strategic
         purchasing for universal health coverage: examining the purchaser–provider relationship
         within a social health insurance scheme in Nigeria. BMJ Global Health, 3(5).
Takuya Hasebe. (2018). Treatment effect estimators for count data models, Health Economics,
         Vol.27, No.11,1868-1873.
Takuya Hasebe, & T. Sakai. (2018). Are elderly workers more likely to die in occupational accidents?
         Evidence from both industry-aggregated data and administrative individual-level data in Japan,
         Japan and the World Economy Vol.48, 79-89.
Ayako Honda, & A. Obse. (In press) Scoping Review on the Application of DCE in Health Sector
         Research in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. 上智経済論集.
Ayako Honda, N. Krucien, M. Ryan, I. Diouf, M. Salla, M. Nagai, N. & Fujita. (In press). For more
         than money:
willingness of health professionals to stay in remote Senegal. Human Resources for
Taro Komatsu.(In Press). Integrated schools and social cohesion in post-conflict Srebrenica:
         Bosniak youth view of their schooling experiences, Comparative Education Review, August 2019.
Taro Komatsu.(In Press). School education in post-conflict recovery, reconstruction and
         development: The case of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Japan-UK Education Society (日英教育研究会紀要).