上智大学アジア人材養成研究センター Sophia Asia Center for Research and Human Development


2021. 01. 18アセアン10ヵ国の国際ワークショップを開催しました。
An International Workshop Concerning the Ten Nations of ASEAN was held


On Sunday, January 10, 2021, an international workshop was held on the topic, ‘The Building of International Cooperation within the Ten Nations of ASEAN as a Contribution to Education in Cultural Heritage.’ It was an activity commissioned by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, and held as an online activity sponsored by the Sophia Asia Center for Research and Human Development. On the day of the event, 9 international students of ASEAN who are currently residing in Japan, participated via the use of Zoom. Reflecting back on the cultural heritage education they acquired in their home countries they thereupon proceeded to present country reports, describing the situations prevailing in their respective nations. As foreign students resident in Japan during the period of the coronavirus, they spoke of the culture and ethnic pride, both of their nations of origin and the people dwelling in them. It was an international workshop teeming with a sense of presence.
To begin with, we had some opening remarks by Professor Tsutomu Sakuma the Chancellor of Sophia University, and these were followed by keynote addresses, by Tsuboi Yoshiharu, Professor Emeritus of Waseda University, and Ang Choulean, Professor at the Royal University of Fine Arts in Cambodia. In the afternoon there were discussions by the international students, and later, lively debates were held on the issue as to how the cultural heritage of one’s nation could be conveyed, from the past to the future. These debates ranged from the raising of major issues, to questions linked to personal identity.
Coordinators were Professor Marui Masako of Sophia University, Researcher Nhim Sotheavin of the Sophia Asia Center for Research and Human Development, and Associate Professor Tashiro Akiko of Hokkaido University.
At the close of the session, Professor Ishizawa expressed his gratitude to the Participants, and conveyed his desire of utilizing the fruits of the discussions towards the creation of an ‘Educational Manual for the Cultural Heritage of ASEAN.’
