上智大学アジア人材養成研究センター Sophia Asia Center for Research and Human Development


2020. 12. 222020年9月28日、カンボジア・日本「オンライン アンコール・ワット国際会議」が、 アンコール・ワットの工事現場と日本をつなぎ、開催されました。
On September 28, 2020, an “Online Angkor Wat International Conference” was organized between Cambodia and Japan, linking Japan to the construction site of Angkor Wat

2020年9月28日、カンボジアと日本をつなぐ、「オンライン アンコール・ワット国際会議」が、4200キロ離れたアンコール・ワットの工事現場と日本をつなぎ、開催されました。主催者はカンボジア王国政府アンコール地域遺跡保存整備機構(アプサラ機構)と日本の上智大学で、カンボジア人発表者の顔を見ながら、工事報告を聞きました。彼らは工事現場で高い水準の石材技術をこなし、カンボジア人の手先の器用さを見せてくれました。こうした海を越えたオンライン国際会議は、在日カンボジア王国特命全権大使ウン・ラチャナ閣下のご配慮により実現いたしました。
会議の閉会にあたり、ウン・ラチャナ在日カンボジア大使は「新型コロナウィルス禍にあっても、日・カ両国がオンラインで修復工事の検討を継続してほしい。関係者皆様のご尽力に深く感謝したい」と挨拶し、3時間に及んだこのオンライン アンコール・ワット国際会議が終了しました。コロナ禍の一日も早い収束を願いながら、アンコール・ワットから元気なカンボジア人保存官の声が日本へ届きました。

Online International Conference

On September 28, 2020 an “Online Angkor Wat International Conference” was organized between Cambodia and Japan, linking Japan to the construction site of Angkor Wat located 4200 kms away. It was sponsored by the National Authority for the Protection and Management of Angkor and the Region of Siem-Reap (APSARA National Authority) and Sophia University, and this made it possible for us to see the faces of the Cambodian presenters and listen to their reports. At the site of the construction they employed high level stone technology, and revealed the dexterity of the Cambodians. This type of online international conference that crosses the seas was realized through the courtesy of His Excellency Ung Rachana, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Cambodia to Japan.
In this online international conference, as a representative of the Japanese side, Professor Tsutomu Sakuma, Chancellor of the Sophia School Corporation, said in his initial address, “I am truly glad that Angkor Wat, a national treasure of Cambodia and pride of its people, is being restored by experts from Japan and Cambodia.” On behalf of the Cambodian side, His Excellency Dr. Hang Peou, Director General of the APSARA National Authority declared, “Japan has played a key role in the preservation and restoration of Cambodian cultural heritage. I am grateful to everybody in Japan. The restoration of the Western Causeway is proof of the cordial relationship between Japan and Cambodia. Despite our being amidst this corona disaster, we have applied ourselves to working without a single day’s rest.” Subsequently, His Excellency Mr. Kim Sothin, Deputy Director-General of the APSARA National Authority affirmed, “We wish to continue restoring the Western Causeway with technical aid from Sophia University and positively make it a success, because, to put it frankly, the result of the construction is solid proof that we conservationists can restore our own cultural heritage, and this gives us great confidence.” Five conservationists were in charge at the site, and (1) Site management of the Western Causeway (2) Reinforcement of the retaining wall (3) Foundation construction in the rainy season (4) Paving stones (5) Management of the actual measurement drawings (6) Management of safety issues at the construction site and so on were presented in detail, using slides of the restoration work done at the Western Causeway.
At the conclusion of the conference, His Excellency Ung Rachana, the Cambodian Ambassador to Japan, gave a greeting wherein he said, “even in the event of a new coronavirus disaster, I would like Japan and Cambodia to continue the consideration of restoration work online. I desire to express my profound gratitude to everyone involved for their efforts,” and with this, the online Angkor Wat international conference that had extended for three hours, came to an end. The cheerful voices of the Cambodian conservators reached Japan from Angkor Wat, hoping for the earliest possible solution to the corona disaster.