タイトル / Title

The Fall of the I-Hotel

発表年 / Year


プロデューサー / Producer

Curtis Choy

ディレクター / Director

Curtis Choy/

長さ / Length



サンフランシスコの経済的発展と共に、同地のマニラタウンにあるIホテル(International hotel)に住んでいた年配のフィリピン人は、1977年に立ち退きを命じられた。年配のフィリピン人のインタビューから、Iホテルがフィリピン人の漁師、農家などに低価格で住居を提供していた最盛期とその後のホテルの消滅を明らかにする。


When the International Hotel's elderly residents were forcibly removed in a pre-dawn operation by over 300 law officers in August 1977, Curtis Choy's cameras were there. His recently completed The Fall of the I-Hotel--thus some six years in the making--is the story of San Francisco's Manilatown, a community whose hub since the twenties was the International Hotel, and a community which, like the hotel, was undermined in the sixties by the expansion of San Francisco's business district into neighboring areas. Through interviews with elderly Filipinos (the Manongs) and rare newsreel footage, Choy reveals the Filipino community in its heyday, when the I-Hotel provided low-cost housing for seamen, farm workers, cannery workers, houseboys and other immigrant Filipinos. Choy also chronicles the hotel's demise--and the political mobilization that brought together community activists, organized labor and senior citizen's groups in an effort to prevent its demolition.

キーワード / Keywords


備考 / Others

邦題 / Japanese Title


制作国 / Country
