タイトル / Title

My America

発表年 / Year


プロデューサー / Producer

Renee Tajima-Pena

ディレクター / Director

Renee Tajima-Pena/

長さ / Length





In My America Renee Tajima-Pe?a recalls her childhood, back in the days when her vacationing family crossed five state lines without ever seeing another Asian face. Tajima-Pe?a hits the road again to explore just how much the racial and cultural landscape of America has changed. Driving coast-to-coast and stopping in New York and San Francisco’s Chinatowns but also in Duluth, Minnesota, New Orleans, and Arkansas, she seeks out what it means to be Asian American in our rapidly-changing society. The film chronicles an eclectic group of offbeat and distinctive people ? from Chinese American debutantes and eighth generation Filipinos in New Orleans to the entrepreneur Chung Y. Choi with his fortune cookie factory, fish business, and security job, and Cambodian telehuckster Tom Vu. Tajima-Pe?a also explores the challenge for Asian Americans now that they are no longer "the invisible minority."

キーワード / Keywords


備考 / Others

邦題 / Japanese Title


制作国 / Country
