
【映画上映会】『Lost Child?: A sister. A brother. And the film that made them family again.』

日 時 2023年6月14日(水)19:00-   18:30開場
場 所 上智大学中央図書館9階921号室
参加方法 対面で開催(申込不要)
  After the screening Gregory Ruzzin will discuss the film with Department of English Studies lecturer Davey Young, an expert on inclusive education. Q-and-A moderated by filmmaker John Williams.
  Filmmaker Gregory Ruzzin is an Associate Professor of Film Production at the Loyola Marymount University School of Film and Television in Los Angeles. He teaches courses in fiction and documentary film directing. In 2022 Ruzzin was awarded a prestigious Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship for his project “SMALL WORLD THIS: Cycling, Climate Change, and Japan,” which explores the relationships between energy, cycling and the environment. He is hosted at Sophia University by Professor John Williams of the English Department and can be reached at gregory.ruzzin@LMU.edu.
  In “LOST CHILD?” filmmaker Gregory Ruzzin invites you along on a lighthearted journey as he uses his camera to bridge an ever-widening gap between himself and his sister Alyssa, whom he sees only at obligatory family Christmases. After decades apart, Ruzzin and his sister struggle to reconnect as adults, and Ruzzin and his film meander into ever-deeper waters as her complex reality dismantles his imagined vision of his “little sister’s” life. What begins as Ruzzin’s attempt to salvage his withering relationship with his younger sister evolves into a journey of discovery, resulting in a vibrant and moving portrait of Alyssa Ruzzin, who struggles with epilepsy and a developmental disability as she makes a life for herself.
共 催 上智大学外国語学部英語学科
協力 上智大学比較文化研究所
ウェブサイト http://www.lostchildmovie.com/
参加人数 約30名